IB Music Jury Recital Repertoire Lists and Guidelines

The following lists and guidelines are provided to help you work toward your IB Recital at the end of your two-year course.

Minimum Quarterly Jury Requirements:
1 solo piece from any of the following repertoire lists:

Jury: Please provide a copy of your music that was recorded to your instructor.
Recital: Please provide a copy of all music being recorded to your instructor.

Please fill out a Performance Assessment Rubric sheet at the completion of the recorded jury. Give yourself a score. The teacher will moderate the score based on your assessment.

Passing: A juried score of 80% or higher must be achieved to be used as part of the recital recording. Solos may be repeated at non-successive juries.

Failing: A juried score of 70% or below will result in a conference to be scheduled with the students, teachers, and parent to discuss the student’s commitment to the IB music performance standards. An evaluation will be made as to whether continued study will be permitted.

One piece may be substituted per semester with prior approval by Ms. Kornhaus, Ms. Vanek, and Mr. White.

Ensemble selections will be permitted on the final recital only, and are not allowed as a substitute for a jury recording. Ensemble pieces should be limited to 5 minutes. In the ensemble piece, it must be clear to the listener that the person who is doing the recital is the featured soloist.

For juries 1, 2, 3, no accompanist is required. Accompanists are optional, if music requires, for Juries 4, and 5. An accompanist will be provided for the final recital recording. One rehearsal will be arranged with all students before the recital date.