Time for Academic Progress (TAP)


Time for Academic Progress is an after-school program at B-CC for all students who seek to do better in their courses. It provides students with a structured place to work after school. B-CC teachers are available to help students with their homework, studying, projects, papers, etc. The number one priority for the students was having extra time and more focused academic support for all students at all levels, from those struggling to succeed in grade-level courses to those who were taking advanced courses but needed extra encouragement and support to succeed.


With funding from the B-CC High School Educational Foundation, TAP (Time for Academic Support) is available from 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Monday through Thursday when school is in session. We offer support in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, and emergent Multilingual Learners at all levels.


TAP is a drop-in program, meaning students may stop by for help with a particular question and leave after a few minutes or stay longer if they need additional help. They may come as often as they need.