Media Center

Media Center Staff




Mrs Naomi Samuals - Media Specialist
Mrs. Claudette Mead - Media Assistant 


Media Center / Library Classes

We have a fixed schedule for Media Center this year. Every week all classes have a 35 minute lesson in the Media Center, followed by a ten minute book exchange. Each marking period most grade levels will work on an Inquiry / Research Project. This project is a collaborative effort between the Media Specialist and the Classroom Teachers.

All library books can be borrowed for two weeks and renewed for another two weeks. Students can return their library books every week, or keep them the entire two weeks. Students are also invited to check out library books any morning at their teacher's discretion.

Black-Eyed Susan Book Award

Each year the Black-Eyed Susan Book Award honors outstanding children’s books that are chosen by Maryland students. The purpose of the award is to promote good reading habits and a lifelong appreciation of literature by encouraging students to read quality contemporary literature. The Black-Eyed Susan Award has three categories that are designed for the Elementary School level. They are picture books, chapter books, and graphic novels. In order to vote in April, students must read (or be read to) at least 8 of the nominated picture books. For the chapter book and graphic novel categories, students must read at least three of the nominated books. Students vote online and the results are sent to MASL. The winners are announced in May.

Visit the MASL site to learn more


When you are gathering information from a book, magazine, or the Internet remember that the author owns the words as they are written. You must put the information in your own words. To learn more about copyright visit: Copyright Kids


Students may check out books for a two week loan period. Books may be renewed for an additional two week period unless there is another student on the reserve list for that book.

Kindergarten: one book at a time

Grade 1: one book at a time
Grade 2: two books at a time
Grades 3-5: three books at a time