Updates to the Grading & Reporting Policy

Updates to the Grading & Reporting Policy

MCPS has communicated an updated Grading & Reporting Policy that will go into effect when second semester begins on January 30, 2024. The policy is linked here. Some important updates to note are as follows below:

  • Teachers will include the letter "[R]” in assignment titles in the grade book if the assignment is re-assessable.
  • There must be at least 9 (nine) All Tasks/Assessment grades and at least 5 (five) Practice/ Preparation grades in each class' grade book each marking period.
  • A “Z” in the grade book is entered if a student did not submit an assignment by the due date but still has an opportunity to submit the work. If the student does not turn in the assignment after support and intervention, the teacher may change the “Z” to a final grade of zero.
  • Teachers will document communication informing students and parents/guardians about missing assignments in the All Tasks Category.
  • Teachers may assign a grade lower than 50 percent to a task/assessment if a student does no work on the task/assessment; a teacher determines the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment; or the student engaged in academic dishonesty.