Attendance Policies & Procedures
Attendance Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Martin
How to Report a Student Absence
When a student is absent for all or part of a school day, a parent or guardian must report the absence in writing or email (a note doesn’t mean the absence is excused). It is not necessary to call. The absence note or email must be sent by a parent or guardian to the attendance secretary within three school days after the student returns to school. Otherwise, the absence will be considered unexcused. If you prefer to email, message should include the following:
- Student Name
- ID Number
- Grade
- Correct Dates of Absence and/or period(s)
- Specific Reason for the Absence
- Parent/Guardian daytime telephone number
- Parent/Guardian signature
- A doctor’s note for absences greater than three days
Immediately upon their return to school following an absence, students should communicate with their teachers how to make up missed assignments, quizes, and/or assessments.
Early Departures
Email the attendance secretary, in advance, for all planned early dismissals (e.g. medical and/or dentist appointments, etc.). The email should include:
- Student's Full Name
- Student's ID Number
- Student Grade Level
- Date & time of early dismissal
- Specify who will be picking up the student, especially if not the parent/guardian
- Specific Reason for leaving (‘family emergency’ is too vague)
- Parent/Guardian daytime telephone number
- Parent/Guardian signature
- All parties (parent, guardian, grand parent, etc.) picking up a student MUST present an ID
Board Policy
See Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation, JEA-RA, Student Attendance for more information.