About Our School

Mission, Vision, and Values

Values, Vision, Mission Slides

Vision: We are leaders who support the community by modeling anti-racist and anti-biased practices in a dual language program.

Mission: We are here to ensure community members feel supported, welcomed, and brave, serving through an anti-racist and anti-biased lens. We believe that trust is essential to our shared success and liberation.

Visión: Somos líderes que apoyamos a la comunidad modelando prácticas anti-racistas y anti-sesgadas en un programa de lenguaje dual.

Misión: Estamos aquí para asegurarnos de que los miembros de la comunidad se sientan apoyados, bienvenidos y valientes, sirviendo a través de una lente anti-racista y anti-sesgada. Creemos que la confianza es esencial para lograr el éxito y la liberación que todos compartamos.

Brown Station ES - SY 2025 Title I SIP Snap Shot (ENGLISH & SPANISH)

Two Way Immersion Program

Information from MCPS 

Two Way Immersion Program 

TWI Brochure 

 Advantages of Dual Language | Ventajas del lenguaje dual

 Benefits of Dual Language | Beneficios del lenguaje dual

 Useful Websites for Parents | Sitios de web útiles para padres

Title 1

The Title I Program is a federally supported program that offers assistance to economically disadvantaged schools. Funds allocated to schools ensure all students access to equitable high quality learning opportunities and resources. Parent and family engagement is a strategy required by the Title I program that has been found to directly improve student achievement. 

Please review these documents for more information about Title I and important information that you need to know.

District Level Plan FY24 (English Only)

Spanish copy of District Level Plan

Title I District Level Plan (QR Code Translations) - Google Docs

Brown Station ES FY24 Title I Newsletter

Emergency Preparedness

FY23 Principal Letter to Community Safety and Security

MCPS Emergency Preparedness Response Quick Guide 2022-2023 English

MCPS Emergency Preparedness Response Quick Guide 2022-2023 Spanish

Student's Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and responsibilities, Student Code of Conduct & Guidelines for Respecting Religious Diversity, Guidelines for Students Gender Identity

A Student’s Guide to Rights and Responsibilities

Student Code of Conduct

Guidelines for Student Gender Identity