Burtonsville Beat (June 16, 2024)

June 16, 2024

Good evening, Burtonsville families,

Mark your calendars…

  • 6/19 - Systemwide Closure
  • 6/24 - Report Cards mailed home

School & Community News…

Thank you to one of our parents, Milan Paseda, owner of Dulcita Treats, who donated the S’Mores cookies for the 5th-grade party and the 5th-grade promotion. The cookies were absolutely delicious. If you are interested in ordering or finding new sweet treats, her Instagram is Dulcita_treats.

On behalf of the entire Burtonsville Elementary School staff, we wish you and your family a wonderful and safe summer.  See you in August!

County News…

Summer Opportunities in the County  -  Montgomery County Public Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge offers kids and teens a chance to fill their summer with great books and fun activities. Children 0-12 can earn e-badges throughout the summer. The Washington Nationals will give MCPL Summer Reading Challenge participants who earn Badge 2 a voucher for two to attend a regular season game for free. Vouchers are available while supplies last. More information.  Montgomery County Recreation offers a variety of exciting summer programs with an emphasis on safety, convenience, affordability and most of all fun! With such a broad range of programming, and experienced and innovative staff, there is something for everyone. Read  Things-to-Know for more information.  

Yours In Service, 

Kimberly Lloyd, Principal

Terry Gobourne, Assistant Principal