Physical Education Departmentsneaker

David Gentzel*

Physical Education and Health

Jeff Fritz

Physical Education and Health

Cindy Copeland

Physical Education and Health

Lindsey Abdinoor

Physical Education and Health

Cameron Lauer

Physical Education and Health

Christopher Grier Physical Education and Health
Bruno Tejo      Physical Education and Health









*Department Content Specialist

 PE Practices and Procedures 

MCPS Physical Education Web site:

MCPS Health Education Web site:


Physical Education Uniform and Spirit Wear

All Cabin John students can order their new PE uniform gear at the school store.

The first sale of this year closed on August 4.  Deliveries will come to the school and be provided to students when they return to the school building. Look for another sale later this year.

Clothing Vendor Questions? 
Contact Brian Paskill 443-542-1542

CJMS PE Questions? 
Email Mr. Gentzel at