Special Academic Programs

Application Based Programs - 4 year programs

  •  APPS (Advanced Placement Power Scholars - Gr. 9 - 12) 
  •  P-TECH (Pathways in Network and Information Technology Program ; Gr. 9 - 12/14, complete program in 4 to 6 years)

Application based programs - 2 year programs

  •  Internships: (Gr. 12 - application form):  Students explore a career of interest. 
         Contact: Karen _J_Castro@mcpsmd.org 

Career Pathway Programs

        Ms. Karen Castro: Karen_J_Castro@mcpsmd.org
     — Fire Science and Rescue Program (Offsite but available to Clarksburg HS students) contact:
        Mr. Shawn Krasa; shawn_e_krasa@mcpsmd.org
     — Computer Science
     — Engineering: Project Lead the Way
     — Network Operations (computer maintenance, repair, security and networking)
     — Early Child Development Student Program
     — College/Career Research and Development (CCRD) 


Offsite Programs:

    — Jumpstart to College Dual Enrollment: A dual enrollment partnership between Montgomery County Public Schools and Montgomery College. 

     — Early College Program - For information on the MCPS Early College program, visit Dual Enrollment - Montgomery County Public Schools

      —Thomas Edison Center: Off Campus programs offered in career pathways

     —JNROTC (Gr. 11-12 ) Junior Naval ROTC at Seneca Valley HS



APPS (Advanced Placement Power Scholars): the Clarksburg High School Signature Program

The APPS Program is designed as a four year course of study through which students follow a comprehensive curriculum combining honors level, advanced placement, and/or dual college enrollment course work. The APPS Program is college preparatory. Students accepted into the program are in a smaller learning cohort within a comprehensive High School and follow a rigorous course of study designed to challenge the highly motivated learner. The APPS Program is only available for students who live within the Clarksburg High School boundaries.

The program setting includes both homogeneously and heterogeneously grouped classes integrated within the whole school. Ninth grade students receive structured support and skill refinement through their advanced placement courses as well as through periodic meetings held at school.

The program is designed to offer students flexibility in their choice of classes as they progress though their four years of study, allowing them to pursue individual educational goals and culminates in a capstone research project.

If you have questions or concerns contact Rachel Clements APPS Coordinator at 240-740-6000  or rachel_l_clements@mcpsmd.org


ACES (Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success)

Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) is a collaborative effort among Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, and the Universities at Shady Grove, designed to provide students with a seamless and supportive pathway to a bachelor’s degree. The mission of ACES is to increase success for underrepresented students through a regional, accessible, structured, and supportive pathway to college access and completion. ACES provides intensive case management and builds career readiness skills and competencies from high school through the completion of an associate’s and bachelor’s degree fostering a successful entry into the regional workforce.

Application for the ACES program begins in October of Sophomore year and ends in January. Students can access the application on the ACES webpage https://www.acesmontgomery.org/

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ACES Coordinator, Brittany Beckwith at Brittany_Beckwith2@mcpsmd.org or call 301-641-8596


  Pathway in Network and Info Tech Logo  

Pathways in Network and Information Technology Program


The Clarksburg Pathways in Network and Information Technology Program (P-TECH) is a dual enrollment program that enables participating students to earn both an MCPS high school diploma and an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree from Montgomery College for FREE while in high school.  Students will complete their high school diploma credits while earning the AAS degree in 4 to 6 years.  The AAS degree will ensure that students will meet industry expectations and gain technical skills and workplace competencies as well as industry certifications.  Skills acquired include software and hardware installation, network and security configuration, forensics fundamentals, virtualization and cloud computing.  

Highlights of the P-TECH Program:

  •  Students complete a rigorous high school technical program including several college courses as part of the Program of Study.   Students also take college courses on Montgomery College’s Germantown campus to complete the AAS degree while in high school.
  •  Students build technical skills and expertise while completing the microcomputer, networking and security program courses.  Students apply these skills in projects and certification exams as well as in internship experiences.
  •  Students participate in Summer Bridge Programs and all activities of the Network Operations courses at Clarksburg, including student computer refurbishment business and sales.
  • Students receive support through industry mentors and volunteers. 
  • The P-TECH program needs your support! If you are interested in volunteering, click here and to make a donation, click here.

The P-TECH program is exclusively offered at Clarksburg High School, and the only entry point for this program is at the beginning of ninth grade. The program is open to students whose home high school is Clarksburg, Seneca Valley, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Magruder, Northwest, Poolesville, Quince Orchard, or Watkins Mill.

The application process is handled through the Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services (DCCAPS). Parents of students who are eligible to apply will receive an application link in their parent portal in October. Applications are due in early November.

P-TECH Pathways

P-TECH  Information Night Presentation 9.26.2024

P-TECH Interest Meeting Recording 9.26.2024

P-TECH Application Process

  • Students and parents will be notified in early October of student eligibility for the various high school programs in MCPS
  • HS Common Application will be accessible in ParentVUE on/about October 7 (P-TECH is part of HS Common App)
    • Deadline to apply is Friday, November 1, 2024
  • MCPS will send out a ConnectEd detailing the application process for all high school application programs
  • Notification letters are released at the end of January. All applicants are notified with either an invitation or a waitlist number.

If you any questions, please contact Christine Bestel at  Christine_S_Bestel@mcpsmd.org



- JumpStart to College
A Montgomery College/ MCPS Partnership

  • MC classes for the fall and spring semesters are free for up to 2 courses, including tuition, fees, and textbooks
  • Dual enrollment is available to all qualified students in grades 9 - 12.
  • Select MC classes are taught at CHS.  These classes vary by semester.  Classes taught in the past include Intro to Human Communication, General Psychology, Intro to College Writing, and more

Please contact your school counselor or Dual Enrollment Program Assistant (Mr. Jason Garofalo, Jason_M_Garofalo@mcpsmd.org to participate

Career Pathways:

Career Pathways are focused programs of study, that can align courses with future career goals. Most programs of study include the opportunity to earn certifications useful in the work world as well as college credit at Montgomery College and other institutes of higher learning. Those programs at CHS earning certifications are marked with an asterisk.

Science Department Pathways:

Computer Technology Education (CTE) Department Pathways:

School Initiatives:

CAP (Coyote Advisory Program)

The Coyote Advisory Program supports student-athletes academic eligibilty for sports. The program motto is “STRIVE FOR A 3.25” is supported by increasing communication between students/teachers/coaches/parents
Coaches receive grade reports for student-athletes. Those with D/E grades receive a CAP Sheet to bring to teachers/parents for support in raising low grades.

Contact Karen Taylor for more information: Karen_Taylor@mcpsmd.org

EOS (Equal Opportunity Schools)

 EOS (Equal Opportunity School): Equal Opportunity Schools’ mission is to ensure students of all backgrounds have equal access to academically rigorous high school programs—and particularly that low-income students and students of color have opportunities to succeed at the highest levels.

Clarksburg High School is an EOS school.