Information on the Screening and Selection Process for Prospective Parents and Students

Phone: 240-740-6305 | Fax: 301-650-6657

Magnet Coordinator  Mrs. Katherine E Estes
Humanities Secretary  Ms. Terri Howells
6th Grade Humanities Team Leader  Ms. Tanya Rowe
7th Grade Humanities Team Leader  Mr. Ryan Flynn
8th Grade Humanities Team Leader  Ms. Gwen Rosero Williams

Humanities Program Summer Assignments 

6th Grade 

7th Grade

 8th Grade 


Bus Schedules 2024-2025

Attached are the bus schedules from 2023-2024.  As soon as the Transportation Department sends us the updated schedule we will post it here. Please note that Eastern Middle School does not determine bus stops or times. The departures are listed for families to see the order of stops in the afternoon. The Transportation Department does not publish the times that buses are expected to arrive back in neighborhoods.



Lit 6 & 7_8 Promotional Video



Prospective Students

  •  Open House Presentation: English | Spanish