Frequently Asked Questions

What are the regular school hours?

9:00 A.M. to 3:25 P.M.

How early can my child arrive at school?

Students should not arrive before 8:40 A.M.

What are the hours when it is an early release day?

9:00 A.M. to 12:55 P.M.

What should I do if my child will be absent for the school day?

Email your child's classroom teacher and the attendance secretary. Email address can be found under "Staff Directory."

When my child returns to school after an absence, what should I do?

The child must return with a doctor's note or parent's note explaining the absence. The date and reason for absence are required. The note is to be given to the attendance secretary. A note must explain every day of absence, or the child will be marked with an unexcused absence.

What should I do if my child is late for school?

The child is late if he/she arrives after 9:00 A.M. The parent is to bring the child(ren) into the main office and sign them in. The parent will fill out a tardy slip and the child will give it to their teacher. 

What do I do if my child wants to go home with a friend after school?

A note from the parent must be sent to the homeroom teacher concerning any change in the child's routine, such as taking a different bus home, walking home with a friend, or staying after school for supervised activities. Another note is needed from the parent who will host a guest student. This ensures that communication between both sets of parents and the school is clear.

How can I meet with my child's teacher?

To minimize disruption, contact the teacher via email and he/she will make an appointment. The staff member's email address can be found on menu under "Staff Directory."

When are students allowed to use the phone?

Students are allowed to use the phone in the office. Students should not be using their own phone (cell phone) during school hours.  Students are not permitted to have cell phones at school unless they receive the consent of both parents and administration.

What time is breakfast served?

Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 8:40 A.M. until 8:55 A.M. 

How much is purchasing meals at school?

Visit the Meal Payments/FARMS site

How do I pay for my student meals?

Parents/guardians may deposit any amount into their student’s school meals account. The cafeteria has a computerized cash register system and meals are deducted from the account at the time of purchase only.  You may pay using the online payment system called MySchoolBucks. Checks are also accepted, please write the student’s name and ID number on the front of the check and make it payable to "Fallsmead E.S. Cafeteria"


If you have additional questions please contact the main office at 240-740-3545.