Welcome to the Eagle Nest !
Here you will find links to our Sunday communications
To contact administration, call the school and leave a detailed message
(240) 740-4900
Paula Summers, Principal - ext.1005
Jason Berg, Assistant Principal - ext 1004
Melinda (Mindy) Elias, Assistant School Administrator - ext x1006
Diane McCaffrey, Administrative Secretary - ext. 1001
Julia Handal, School Secretary - ext 1003 (habla español)
Kathleen Ryan, School Secretary - ext. 1002 (habla español)
The Eagle’s Nest - El nido del águila
Boletín informativo para padres de GES
GES Parent Newsletter
En agosto publicaremos nuestro boletín familiar de verano para el año escolar 2024-2025.
We will post our Summer Family Newsletter for the 2024-2025 School Year in August.
- 6.9.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 6.2.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 5.27.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 5.19.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 5.12.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 5.5.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 4.28.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 4.21.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 4.14.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 4.7.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 4.1.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 3.24.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 3.17.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 3.10.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 3.3.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 2.25.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 2.18.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 2.11.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 2.4.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 1.28.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 1.21.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 1.15.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 1.7.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 1.2.24 - The Eagle's Nest
- 11.26.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 11.19.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 11.12.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 11.5.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 10.29.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 10.22.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 10.15.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 10.8.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 10.1.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 9.3.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 9.10.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 9.17.23 - The Eagle's Nest
- 9.24.23 - The Eagle's Nest
Enlace a nuestro boletín de verano: https://www.smore.com/2vw8r
Link to our 23-24 Summer Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/2vw8r