GHS Health Information


Rashida Nedrick

Aisha Nicholson SHRT, School Health Room Technician 

Phone 301-284-4530
Fax 301-284-4700 or 4707
Hours: 7:30-2:30  (when school is in session)


Health Room Information

MCPS Health-Related Forms:

Click here for MCPS Form 525-14: Emergency Care for the Management of a Student with a Diagnosis of Anaphylaxis

Click here for MCPS Form 525-13: Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication

Click here for MCPS Form 525-12: Authorization to Provide Medically Prescribed Treatment

Click here for MCPS Form SR-6: Student Record Card 6 - Health Assessment (NOTE: this is NOT the form required for Athletics)

Click here for MCPS Form SR-8: Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation for Athletics

Other Health Forms:

Click here for Diabetes Letter to Parents - Spanish

Click here for Diabetes Letter to Parents - English

Click here for Maryland Diabetes Medical Management Plan / Health Care Provider Order Form

Click here for MCDHHS 3213A: Asthma Action Plan

Click here for MCDHHS 3213C: School Asthma Management Plan - Spanish

Click here for MCDHHS 3213C: School Asthma Management Plan - English

Click here for Minimum Vaccine Requirements for Children - Maryland School Year 2023-2024

Click here for When to Keep Your Child Home from School - English & Spanish


Seasonal Flu Graphic