Physical Education/Health at Gaithersburg MS

Physical Education and Health Education

All students will participate in three marking periods of physical education and one section of Health Education.  Additionally, all students may participate in the middle school intramural program which is an extension of the regular physical education instructional program.  At Gaithersburg Middle School, this program is held before and after school.  The intramural program involves only Gaithersburg Middle School students and does not involve competitions against other schools.    

Physical Education and Health Education Resource Teacher


Physical Education and Health Education Course SyllabusEnglish or Spanish

Short Term Illness or Injury Guidelines for Physical Education Instruction
The Physical Education Physician Contact Form is required for students who will miss more than five days of physical education class due to illness or injury.  Failure to return the form can result in failure of the course and/or loss of the physical education credit.  If your child has a short term illness or injury, complete this form and turn it into the GMS Health Room.  

Cold Weather Guidelines for Physical Education Instruction
Physical Education instruction will be conducted outdoors as long as the wind chill factor is above 32 degrees.  When the wind chill factor is 32 degrees or lower, physical education instruction will be conducted indoors. 

The only exception to this policy is instruction related to the Polar Bear Unit.  Students who have voluntarily registered for the Polar Bear Unit will receive outdoor instruction as long as the wind chill factor is above 25 degrees.  When the wind chill factor is 25 degrees or lower, the Polar Bear Unit will be conducted indoors.  


Grade 7 and Grade 8 students are scheduled to take a comprehensive health education unit on Family Life and Human Sexuality (FLHS).  Instruction in this unit is designed to help students develop a foundation for making responsible choices that reflect respect for the individual and for others in the family and community. Due to the sensitive nature of this instruction, as directed by Maryland State Regulations (COMAR 13A.04.18.01), “students may be excused from this unit of the program upon a written request from their parents/guardians”.

If you would like to opt your student out of the FLHS unit of instruction, please complete the Opt-Out Request form and return it to _ no later than Wednesday, September 27, 2023.  If this form is not returned, your student will receive instruction on FLHS. Thank you for  your cooperation.

6th grade FLHS letter

English and Spanish

7th grade FLHS letter with opt-out form

English and Spanish

8th grade FLHS letter with opt-out form

English and Spanish