Student Service Learning (SSL) at GMS
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) believes that service learning addresses recognized community needs and is connected to curriculum goals. All indirect, direct, and advocacy action include the phases of preparation, action, and reflection. Quality service learning provides the student with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and career exploration opportunities that lead to effective citizenship in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. MCPS is committed to quality service-learning experiences for all students.
GMS Coordinator: LaToya Dyson
- SSL Activity Verification Form 560-51
Required to add SSL hours to student SSL record
- Individual SSL Request Form 560-50
Required if the organization or opportunity is not identified with a graduation capon the MCVC website.
- School Hosted SSL Form 560-59
Required if the school is offering an SSL opportunity during the school day. - SSL Activity Record
SSL Opportunity
Searching the Montgomery County Volunteer Center website:
English | Español | 中文 | Français | tiếng Việt | 한국어 | አማርኛ- Find MCPS SSL Opportunities
A graduation capindicates organizations or opportunities that meet MCPS SSL guidelines.
****Students do not use as your contact information when registering.
Have you heard about the MCPS Student Post? The MCPS Student Post Newsletter is a monthly publication shared with all middle and high school students via the MCPS Student Post webpage, our home school webpage, and monthly reminders sent directly to MCPS student emails. It includes SSL information, provides updates on county programs, shares upcoming student opportunities, highlights students and extracurricular organization success, and more!
You can find the latest edition by going to the MCPS webpage and enter the words ”student post” in the search engine. You can also go to our school webpage and find and select the green “Student Post” button on the left hand side.
Check out the latest edition anytime!
Slide Link (to companion the verbal announcement above)
Use another email or phone number.