Title I Information

Title I School Improvement Plan Snapshot 
Georgian Forest Elementary School for the 2024-2025 School Year


The Title I Program is a federally supported program that offers assistance to economically disadvantaged schools. Funds allocated to schools ensure all students access to equitable high quality learning opportunities and resources. Parent and family engagement is a strategy required by the Title I program that has been found to directly improve student achievement. 

Parents and families, please review these documents for more information about Title I and other important information that you need to know.

  1. Right To Request Letter
  2. District Level Plans - The District Level Family Engagement Plan aims to support and strengthen the partnership between the school, students, and home. This plan has been developed jointly with parents/families. It is aligned with Board of Education Policy ABC, Parent and Family Involvement, and the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Strategic Plan. In this plan, ‘parent’ is intended to include parents, guardians, caretakers, and other family members involved in supervising the child’s schooling. This annual Title I Parent & Family Engagement Plan is posted 
  1. District Plan 24-25 English
  2. District Plan 24-25 Spanish
  3. District Plan 24-25 Amharic
  4. District Plan 24-25 Chinese
  5. District Plan 24-25 Korean
  6. District Plan 24-25 French
  7. District Plan 24-25 Portuguese
  8. District Plan 24-25 Vietnamese
  1. District Level Evaluations
    1. District Level Plan Evaluation English/Spanish
    2. FY25 Title I District Level Plan (QR Code Translations) 
  2. Title I Newsletter
  3. English/Spanish Compact
  4. Parent Family Engagement Plan 

Please visit our Title I Website for more information and resources or reach out to the Title I office at 240-740-4600 or to your school directly.


For more information or any questions you may have, please contact:

Laura Thai-Jenkins
Instructional Specialist
Division of Early Childhood, Title I Programs and Recovery Funds
240-740-4600 (main)