Title I
Schools receive Title I services according to the percentage of children from low-income families. 76% of the students at Harmony Hills are eligible for free or reduced price meals.
Title I is a total school program and serves every student in the school.
Services Include
- Lower class size in grades 3, 4 and 5
- Science labratory experiences for students (K-5)
- Additional support for students with Paraeducators (K-5)
- Professional development for all instructional staff
- Additional support for students receiving special education and ESOL services
- Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) for K-5 students during the summer
- Parent Education Opportunities throughout the school year and summer
- Instructional material and equipment money to purchase support for our technology-supported instructional program
Title 1 Resources
- MCPS Information about Title 1
- Parent Compact - English / Spanish
- Family Engagement Plan - English / Spanish
- Newsletter- HHES Title 1 Information for Families
- SIP Snapshot - School Improvement Plan