Title 1 Newsletter

Parent Information Meeting
Benefits of Title I /Beneficios de Title I
Division of Early Childhood and Title I Programs, and Recovery Funds
Fall 2023/Otoño 2023

Title I School Improvement Plan Snapshot


Click on the above link to find out more information about the Parent Information Meeting. 

Jackson Road ES Title I

The Title I Program is a federally supported program that offers assistance to economically disadvantaged schools. Funds allocated to schools ensure all students access equitable high-quality learning opportunities and resources. Parent and family engagement is a strategy required by the Title I program that has been found to directly improve student achievement. 

Please review these documents for more information about Title I and important information that you need to know.

District Level Plan FY24 (English Only)

Spanish copy of District Level Plan

Jackson Road ES Title I Newsletter


Invitation to parents to be a part of the Jackson Road ES Parent Family Engagement Committee

The term “parent and family engagement” means the participation of parents, guardians, and other family members in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student learning and other school activities. It is our goal for parents and family members to play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning, and parents are full partners with the school in their child’s education. Title I School Parent Engagement Committee are responsible for ensuring that parents have input regarding how school-based parent engagement funds are spent. 

Parents are a crucial part of this process, as your feedback and perspectives are centered in our work.  I’d like to invite you to be a member of our Parent and Family Engagement Committee.  We will be meeting several times during the school year. Dates and meeting information will be shared as soon as it is finalized.

Jackson Road Elementary School Title I Information for Families

Jackson Road FY23 Title I SIP Snapshot