Mrs. Carolyn Skrodzki, Reading Specialist
Lakewood PTA Benchmark Reading Program Presentation
Gifted and Talented Program - Frequently Asked Questions
A Glimpse at Accelerated and Enriched Instructional Programs
William and Mary
The William and Mary Language Arts Program was developed by the Center for Gifted Education
at the College of William and Mary. The programs curriculum offers teaching models that
build students competence in reading, writing, and thinking. It centers around six specific student
goals for them to develop:
1. Literary analysis and interpretation skills.
2. Persuasive writing skills.
3. Linguistic competency.
4. Listening and oral communication
5. Reasoning skills.
6. Understanding of the concept of
Paul’s Reasoning Web and the Literature Web are two highly used components
throughout the units of instruction. Lessons focus on active learning, problem solving, research, and
critical thinking using a variety of literature—poems, short stories, speeches, and essays.
To monitor the progress made in the areas of literature, grammar, and writing the program offers pre and post
assessments. Additionally, students maintain a writing portfolio that documents growth in writing, complete a number of projects,
and use an abundance of rubrics for evaluating complete tasks.
William and Mary Links:
Junior Great Books
The Junior Great Books program is a researched based K-12 enrichment reading program. It provides
a framework for teaching reading comprehension, critical thinking, and writing skills. The
program includes children's classics, folk tales and fairy tales, poetry, and modern short stories
from cultures around the world that are rich in ideas and incite a number of interpretations. It is proven to help
students develop essential literacy skills—reading carefully, thinking critically, listening intently, and
speaking and writing persuasively. Students develop their reading and thinking skills by
asking questions, formulating and sharing their opinions, and supporting their ideas
with evidence from the selections they read. The emphasis on discussion allows all students
to participate whether or not they are fluent readers and helps them grow in their
ability to understand and enjoy literature.
Junior Great Books Links: