Welcome to our health room! Our health room is staffed daily by a school community health nurse, along with a school health room aide. We provide first aid during school hours on an as needed basis and maintain health records for each student, including immunization records, physicals, and screenings. For more information regarding School Health Services, please visit the Montgomery County Government Health and Human Services website.
Health Room Information
Hours: 8 AM - 3 PM
Phone 240-740-5832
Fax 301-942-1025
School Nurse
Tami VanVeldhuisen, RN,MSN
School Health Room Technician
Michelle Barkdoll
Frequently Used Forms
All forms can be found on the MCPS forms page
- Frequently used forms are listed below:
- Authorization for prescribed medication use for all medications EXCEPT Epipens
- Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation for Athletics
- Maryland Schools Record of Physical Examination
Medications: A form (see above) is required for all medications to be administered at school, including both over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Hearing and Vision Screening: Scheduled for May 19-21 for all 8th graders and new students to MCPS (see details below).
In accordance with Maryland State Law, students in Montgomery County Public Schools are screened for potential vision and hearing issues. Trained hearing and vision screeners will be conducting screenings for students new to MCPS, 8th graders, and students referred by teachers due to signs of possible vision or hearing problems. The screenings will take place at Loiederman MS from May 19-21.
Students who have difficulty seeing clearly or hearing what their teacher and classmates are saying often struggle with learning at school.
If your child does not pass the screening, you will receive a referral form via U.S. mail to take to your child's doctor. If your child is already receiving care for a hearing or vision issue, or if you prefer not to have your child screened at school due to conflicts with your religious beliefs, please notify the school nurse in writing.
If your child wears glasses or contacts, they should wear them every day and bring them to the screening.
Please note that school-based vision screenings may not detect every vision problem. To learn more about potential vision issues and symptoms or health conditions that may require further evaluation, visit the Montgomery County Government website.
Contact your school’s nurse if you have questions about your child’s screening.
Immunization Requirements
Vaccinations for students in Grade 7: All students in Grade 7, or who are new to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), must provide documentation of vaccinations. Vaccine Requirements can be found here:
**ATTENTION ALL 7th graders Students entering 7th grade school year are REQUIRED to have proof of Tdap(Tetanus-diphtheria-accellular pertussis) and MCV4 (Meningococcal)
Flu Season - Be Prepared
What should I do?
- Keep your child home from school if you suspect they may have the flu. Do NOT send your child to school if they have a fever.
- Ensure that the school has an up-to-date, working phone number where you can be reached if your child becomes ill at school.
- Have an emergency transportation plan in place in case your child needs to be picked up from school during the day
Staying home from school
Students must be excluded from school if they have a fever over 100.0°F, are actively vomiting, or have diarrhea. Please do not send your child to school after administering medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if they are still unwell. Keep the health room updated with any changes in your child’s health status. A doctor's note is required after a student has been absent for 3 days.
Ensure your contact information is current with the front office in case of an emergency. For any attendance-related matters, please email Ms. Cortez at cynthia_j_cortez@mcpsmd.org.