Call for Volunteers: Judges Needed for Montgomery County National History Day Competition!
Dear Friend of History and Education,
You are invited to be a judge at the Montgomery County National History Day Competition! This event is an exciting opportunity to be a part of Montgomery County’s students’ scholarship and creativity.
The National History Day (NHD) program was started in 1974 as a “science fair” for history, giving students a chance to become real historians. This year, students participating in NHD nationwide are researching topics based on the theme, “Rights & Responsibilities in History”
At the contest, students present their research in one of five categories: exhibits, performances, documentaries, websites, or papers. Judges evaluate entries based on historical quality and effectiveness of presentation. The evaluation of projects utilizes a national rubric and all judges will be trained prior to the event via a Zoom session.
Students selected to represent their schools compete at the county event and the top entries chosen by judges advance to the Maryland History Day State Contest at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in May, 2025. History Day judging is a one day commitment from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at Sligo Middle School. This timeframe includes an orientation to the judging process, the evaluation of students’ research and presentation, and time to draft comments. Judges have a profound impact by providing an opportunity for students to discuss their work and receive feedback from an outside resource. Volunteers also have a tremendous amount of fun in the process.
“Every time I judge History Day, I come away with the same conclusion—the future is in good hands.” - Retired MCPS Middle School Teacher.
“My reasons for judging are selfish, really. Every time I judge, I learn a little more about historical events, people, and places. Every time I judge, the kids just ‘wow’ me with their passion for their topics. And every time I judge, it makes me a little more proud of the generations coming up who realize how history impacts us today.”-MCPS Parent and Local Business Owner
To volunteer to judge, please create a Z Fairs account using this link and select the “Judge” dropdown menu selection. Your friends can volunteer with you—just pass along a copy of our letter. About four weeks prior to this event, we will provide information about the judging process and the overall day. If you have any questions, please contact Kelli Champagne ( or Abbie Lamb (
Kelli Champagne, Montgomery County Social Studies Instructional Specialist
Abbie Lamb, Program Coordinator National History Day Montgomery County