First Grade Math
Below is an overview of what your child should know and be able to do by the end of first grade.
Unit 1
- Count, using a variety of strategies, to identify the number of objects in a set.
- identify numbers that are one more than, one less than, and between two numbers.
- Read, write and compare numbers to 100 using counting strategies.
- Add and subtract numbers using counting strategies.
- Recognize, describe and extend repeating patterns.
Unit 2
- Compare and order the number of objects in a set.
- Develop strategies to master addition and subtraction facts.
- Write and solve number sentences for story problems involving addition and subtraction.
- Add and subtract one and two digit numbers without regrouping.
- Solve problems using nonstandard measurement.
- Select appropriate tools to measure time, length and weight.
- Estimate and measure in inches.
Unit 3
- Master addition and subtraction facts with sums through 10.
- Gather and organize data using tallies, bar graphs and pictographs.
- Interpret data from bar graphs and pictographs.
Unit 4
- Identify and describe attributes of two dimensional and three dimensional figures.
- Identify shapes that appear congruent.
- Determine the value of a set of coins through $1.00
- Solve problems involving adding and subtracting money through $1.00
Unit 5
- Estimate sums and differences.
- Represent 1/4, 1/3, and 1/2 with symbols and pictures.
- Estimate, then measure, length, width and capacity using nonstandard units.