What Friends Do/Do Not Do
Things that Friends Do:
- Help
- Show they care about other's feelings
- Share
- Compliment others
- Be nice
- Say sorry and work it out with kind sords
- Smile at others
- Stand up for each other
- Say nice things to each other
- Use good manners and be polite
- Show respect
- Include others
Things that Friends Do NOT Do:
- Say mean things like "shut up" or "I hate you"
- Brag
- Boss others around
- Laugh at others
- Interrupt or talk when others are talking
- Tattle (tell on someone just to get them in trouble)
- Leave people out
- Push, kick, hit, punch, etc.
- Hurt each other's feelings
- Make fun of others or tease
- Call someone a name they do not like
- Threaten ("If you don't ____, then I will ____!)
We want to work hard to be good friends to each other