What Friends Do/Do Not Do

Things that Friends Do:

  1. Help
  2. Show they care about other's feelings
  3. Share
  4. Compliment others
  5. Be nice
  6. Say sorry and work it out with kind sords
  7. Smile at others
  8. Stand up for each other
  9. Say nice things to each other
  10. Use good manners and be polite
  11. Show respect
  12. Include others

Things that Friends Do NOT Do:

  1. Say mean things like "shut up" or "I hate you"
  2. Brag
  3. Boss others around
  4. Laugh at others
  5. Interrupt or talk when others are talking
  6. Tattle (tell on someone just to get them in trouble)
  7. Leave people out
  8. Push, kick, hit, punch, etc.
  9. Hurt each other's feelings
  10. Make fun of others or tease
  11. Call someone a name they do not like
  12. Threaten ("If you don't ____, then I will ____!)

We want to work hard to be good friends to each other