For questions regarding the CTE department, please email Jennifer Fischer, CTE Resource Teacher. 

Click here for the CTE department staff list.

Course Descriptions

Career Seminar: Student learn how to effectively manage career and educational choices through incorporating employment, education, and training goals. They build financial literacy skills and Maryland’s Skills for Success competencies. Students complete a career portfolio that demonstrates proficiency in workplace readiness, personal financial management, personal growth and development, and employment experiences.


Site-Based Work Experience (SBWE): Students participate in a site-based experience in conjunction with the career seminar class. Students work directly with industry professionals in a career of interest, while refining career goals and post-secondary plans. Student work sites must be approved and supervised by the teacher. Site based learning must take place during school hours to allow for required work-site supervision by the teacher. To earn credit for DP, students are required to have a minimum or 135 hours of work experience per semester.

Click here to learn about SBWE.


College/Career Research and Development (CCRD): College/Career Research Development is a two-year program of study that prepares students with academic, technical, and workplace skills necessary to pursue future education and employment in a career field of their interest upon graduation from high school. 


Internship: The unpaid internship complements the student’s school program and is pursued under the supervision of school staff. Regularly scheduled in-school seminars explore career and workplace issues. Students will learn about society directly and explore various career options. Internships are coordinated at the student’s home school.

Click here to learn about the Internship Program.


Early Child Development: Student in Early Child Development program work with children in a variety of settings and study child development from a prenatal through adolescent stages, Knowledge of physical, intellectual, language, social, and emotional development is applied through planning sessions, teaching, observing, and studying 3 and 4 year old children in the child development laboratory. Students develop competence in creative teaching techniques.

Click here to learn about the NWHS Early Childhood Development program.


National Academy of Finance: The National Academy of Finance is a member of the National Academy Foundation. In this program, students receive intense coursework in economics and business principles.

Click here to learn about the National Academy of Finance.


Computer Science: MCPS is working with in its efforts to encourage more students to take at least one course in coding. 

Click here to learn about the NWHS Computer Science classes.


Technology Education: Technology education is an integrated, experience-based instructional program designed to prepare students to be knowledgeable about technology, its evolution, systems, utilization, as well as its social, economic, and cultural impacts. The result is technological literacy through the application of mathematics and science along with technological areas such as, but not limited to: engineering, communications, power, transportation, and biotechnology. Students are challenged to discover, create, solve problems, think critically, and devise solutions by using a variety of tools, machines, computer systems, materials, and technological systems. Technology Education class webpage:

Click here to learn about the NWHS Technology Program.