Military Recruitment at Northwest High School

School contact:  Rochelle Davis, College Career Information Coordinator

On-Page Quick Links:

Student Enrollment, Transcript Requests & Student InformationASVAB Testing
Northwest Students, Parents & Military Recruiter Contact InformationStudent Meetings 


Northwest HS School Policy & Military Recruitment:

Welcome to Northwest High School & the Home of the Jaguars! 

Our goal is to have great relationships with our military recruiters in support of Northwest students.

Military recruiter contact information will be available to our staff, students and parent community who may wish to contact your directly.  Contact information for our administrative team, including the Athletic Director, can be found on our website @

Our administration welcomes scheduled visits from all branches of the military.  We ask that you not visit the school without an appointment. Visits intended to share information with our students are scheduled during student lunch.  Northwest has one lunch for students, from 11:10 to 11:56, on a regular bell schedule day.  Table set ups are held in the lobby area just outside the school cafeteria.  We ask that you make your requests for visits by sending an email to at least three weeks in advance.  This allows us time to request approval for your visit and communicate visit information with our students and community. Visits with recruits that are graduates of Northwest, who wish to accompany you and visit with school staff, are not permitted during the school day.  Those visits can only occur after 2:30 pm. All visitors and guests must check in at the Main Office using the visitor kiosk.  Please be prepared with a current and valid Driver’s License. 

During the scheduled lunch table visit, you will be able to check your displays and update your materials in the College Career Information Center, Room 126.  Please understand that our policies are in place for the safety and security of our students and staff.  We welcome the opportunity for our students to explore all postsecondary opportunities!


Student Meetings:

Student Request Form for Military Recruiter Meetings!  Students are encouraged to pursue all postsecondary options.  If a student under the age of 18 would like to meet with a member of the Armed Services during the school day lunch, parental permission is required. Please note: Students 18 years of age or older must have the ‘age of majority’ documentation on file to meet without parental permission.  Use this Google Form to Request A Meeting!  Confirmation will be sent to the student, parent and recruiter.  | 23 January 2024 |


Student Enrollment Information, Transcript Release, and Student Information:

Student enrollment information (numbers of students by class and/or gender) and/or transcript release would be obtained through our Registrar’s Office with Ms. Jackie Scholl by email or by phone (240) 740-7095.  Recruiters are  encouraged to call and/or email Ms. Scholl to inquire about specific policies.  Requests for student lists should be made directly to the Office of Shared Accountability, Reporting Unit (240) 740-2930.  


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ASVAB Career Exploration Program & Testing:

The ASVAB is administered FREE to interested tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students and is an excellent career exploration tool. It can help identify the student's interests and aptitude in the following areas: verbal, math, science and technical skills. When a student's score is interpreted, the student will learn how their interests and skills relate to the demands of more than 400 occupations, helping students to identify suitable career options. ASVAB results are released only to the student and not to the armed services. Students who wish to use their test results as part of an enlistment post-secondary plan will need to have a conversation with military recruiters.  The student can provide their scores to the recruiter. Taking the ASVAB at MCPS high schools in no way involves a commitment to the military.

Anticipated dates for ASVAB testing at Northwest High School for the 2024-2025 school year are January 28 and February 14.  Parental consent is required for a student to test at Northwest High School.  Parental consent will be granted by submission of a Google Form.  Testing will be during the school day.  ASVAB scores will be interpreted approximately three weeks after testing.  Score interpretations will be scheduled virtually.  Date and time TBD. Students who tested can pick up scores in Room 126 prior to or on the day of the interpretations. Visit the ASVAB Career Exploration Program web site HERE.  To learn more about the ASVAB and enlistment, click HERE and enter as an applicant for more information on testing and resources. 

NEW for the 2024-2025 school year:  Each school determines the information released to the military services as a result of participation in the ASVAB Career Exploration Program.  Northwest has selected Option 8; ASVAB test results released to schools; but NOT to military recruiters.  In addition to the Google Permission Form (linked below), an Opt-Out Release Letter must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned on test day. 

Northwest HS ASVAB Permission Form
ASVAB Opt-Out Letter
| update 11 September 2024 |


Northwest Students & Parents:

The safety of our students is a priority.  We ask that our military recruiters only reach out to students at the invitation of a student or parent.

Military Recruiters for Northwest HS 2024-2025 School Year*

United States Air Force Recruiter:  Tyler Houle, SSgt, USAF, USAF & USSF Enlisted Accessions Recruiter @, (202)779-1403

United States Army RecruiterZachary M Oppelt, SSG @ (484) 332-7829 (cell) | (301) 948-1992 (office) updated 1/14/2025

United States Army National Guard: SGT Prabha Tharmalingam @ (240-805-0699)

United States Coast Guard Recruiter:  TBD

United States Navy Recruiter:  Petty Officer Nathalie Scott @ (301) 771-1821

United States Marine Recruiter: John Gundling, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, Canvassing Recruiter; C: 240-506-7217 (updated 8 January 2024)

*contact information may change without immediate notification to Northwest High School

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