Outdoor and Environmental EducationInstructional ProgramsResidential ProgramsTeacher Information → Stream/Pond Study

Stream/Pond Study

Students investigate the local watershed and work in groups to assess the health of a nearby stream or pond. Students learn techniques for collection biotic and abiotic data of an aquatic ecosystem using a macroinvertebrate survey, chemical analyses, and stream buffer analysis. Food web and food chain concepts are reinforced through identification of the organisms in a stream ecosystem and the environmental impact of various pollutants are discussed.


Lesson Resources

These lesson materials are designed to supplement and refresh the workshops.  Teachers are strongly encouraged to attend a training workshop before teaching the stream/pond study class. We recommend using the resources below, although teachers are welcome to adjust them to fit the needs of their students.

Model Lesson on Video - Please use this video to help teachers review before teaching the lesson at their school's Outdoor Environmental Education Program. It does not take the place of attending an initial in-person training.

Suggested Indoor Alternatives:


Possible Back at School In Class Stream Study Resources: