Academy of Finance

The Academy of Finance prepares students for real-life experiences in the marketplace. Students learn soft skills as well as job related skills that will assist them in obtaining a job.  Students learn the basics of personal finance, develop techniques for making wise consumer decisions, interviewing skills, and learn how businesses operate.
Sponsor: Mr.Fanning
Meetings: Once a month: see Mr. Fanning for dates.
Presidents: Taylor Henderson and Erika Williamson

Ambassadors For Christ Bible Study

In our BIBLE STUDY, we Pray for those who are in need of prayer, counsel, and  study  information from Genesis to Revelations, and in some cases we have helped  those who were having financial problems at home.

Sponsor: Vincent Massey

Meetings: Fridays during LAP in 1344d

Animation Crew

This is the club where we make animations (not watch them). Different type of people such as animators, story writers, voice actors, artist, and anyone who's interested are welcome.
Sponsor: Mr. Raymond Jenkins
Meetings: Tuesdays, from 2:30 to 4:00 (or later depends on the occasion)
President: My Vu

Anime Club 

Members of the Anime Club watch and enjoy anime films, draw and create anime characters, and play anime-based card games. If interested, please see Ms. Davis.


Anime Club 



Art Club


Members of the Art Club are from all grades who are interested in artistic expression. Students are given the opportunity to enhance their interests using diverse forms of medium such as painting, sculpting, drawing, and design. Members assist with the Spring Art Show at the school.  Join the art club and enrich your creativity, explore art techniques above and beyond the everday classroom experience and meet Senor Potato...the art club mascot! 
Sponsor: Marlena Murtagh
Meetings: First and third Thursdays during LAP in 3317


Art Club 


Asian Awareness

Best Buddies

Best Buddies International encourages students without disabilities to interact with students that are disabled. The students are paired with “buddies” and participate in many activities in school and at sports events. The club fosters an increased understanding of students with disabilities and promotes friendships. Please see Ms. Aquino or Ms. Rahn if interested in becoming a “buddy.

Black Coffee Society

A female group that strives to overcome the struggles of the average African American face in today's society through discussion, fund raising, and charitable donations.
Sponsors:  Mr.Oliphant and Mrs.Birdin
Meetings: Every Friday in the Princpals team room during LAP
Presidents: Erika Williamson and Taylor Henderson

Book Club

A group of people who share a love of reading!  We meet twice a month to discuss books, and read 5-6 books a year in common.
Sponsor: Amber Perkins
Meetings: We meet every other Friday.
President: Noa Weinshel
Vice President: Thiane Gaye


Chess Club 

This is a very active club where students come and practice skills and learn techniques to improve their game of chess. Players of all levels and ability are welcome.

Sponsor: Marc Kell

Meetings: Fridays during LAP in 2234.


Computer Science Club 



Debate Team 

Students in the Debate Team learn the skills necessary for Lincoln/Douglas Debate. They participate in monthly meets where they earn points which will qualify them for the National Forensic League and the County Debate Tournament. Students research topics in teams and learn to deliberate and argue opposing points of the issues. We do Public Forum Debate which a team of two vs a team of two who debate a resolution and are judged
Sponsor: Judy Rothstein
Meetings: We meet every thursday and participate in 5 meets at Blair (once a month October, November, December, January, February and County tournament in March)with 20 + Montgomery  County schools.
Presidents: Sindu Muppala & Rebekeh Senderling


Drama (Perspectives)

PBHS presents two major productions per year: a drama and a musical. Members of the Drama Club and Stage Crew learn about every aspect of a production from performing, to set design and construction, and technical and lighting techniques to enhance the production. It is a lot of hard work, but it is a great way to meet new people and share the thrill of the final performance. 

Sponsors: Amber Perkins & Cristin Ryan
Meetings: Room 1113 at 2:30pm. During productions, we meet everyday after school to work on the set under the direction of Ms. Ryan. The actors meet everyday under the direction of Ms. Perkins. Meeting times are posted on the "Call Board" across the hall from Room 1113.

Officers: President: Thiane Gaye,  Rebekah Senderling, Laura Vandemark, Bethany Boyer
Facebook page for current members: Current Perspectives
Twitter page: @perspectives_PB

Environmental Club

The Enviromental club is a student centered organization, which aims to better the enviroment through service projects benefiting our local and global community. By joining the Enviromental club you will be helping the environment, learning about the environment, making new friends, and earning SSL hours.
Sponsor: Karen Sondak
Meetings: We meet once a week alternating  Wednesdays and Thursdays
President: Nathnael Asfaw
Vice President: Vivek Mistry
Secretary: Milkiyas Fekade
Treasurer: Kevin
Adopt-A-Road Coordinator: Irre Hussein

Equestrian Club 

This club provides students with an interest in equestrian style riding an opportunity to compete in Montgomery County competitions. For more information please see Ms. Greene


Fellowship of Christian Athletes 




Forensics give students a chance to increase public speaking skills in area tournaments. Students compete by preparing for categories such as extemporaneous speaking, persuasive oratory, informative speaking, and oral interpretation. They compete at tournaments and earn points toward membership in the National Forensic League, and they compete in the county tournament.

Sponsors: Amber Perkins & Judy Rothstein
Meetings: 2013-2014: October 26, December 7, February 1, FINALS: February 14-15
President:  Rebekah Senderling 



French Club 



Freshman Class 



GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)

A student-led organization that is intended to provide a safe and supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (sexuality and gender) (LGBTQ) youth and their straight allies

Sponsors: Leslie Miller and Katie Brown

Meetings: Fridays during LAP in 1318





Hispanic Awareness

This club is designed to foster appreciation of Hispanic cultures and to unite Hispanic students. The meetings are open to all students and offer an opportunity to broaden cultural understanding through activities such as dances, music appreciation, sharing of typical foods, and various other activities. The club also does fundraising for countries in need. See Mr. Burgos and Ms. Cardona for more information

Sponsors: Tania Cardona & Dan Burgos
Meetings: Fridays at LAP in 1316 and other days at LAP as announced
President: Melanie Alvarado

International Club 

Every member of the diverse school community is automatically a member of this club because each has a culture and tradition that are important to share. There will be several opportunities during the year to meet with others and plan ways to join together in celebrating the richness of our diverse community. If you want to get involved, see Ms. Freeman or Ms. RyanWe celebrate the vast array of ethnicities at Paint Branch.  Our culminating activity is International Night, which is April 8 this year.
Sponsor: Amber Perkins
Meetings: Please see Ms. Perkins for meeting times and locations.
President: Chloe Mballa


It's Academic 

This club offers challenges to students interested in a competitive activity that requires quick recall of knowledge. The team appears on NBC 4’s Quiz Bowl Team and it participates in The Quizmaster Challenge and various trivia tournaments after school or on weekends. Please see Mr. Fantegrossi for more information


Japanese Club 

Students in the Japanese Club enjoy activities that promote an understanding of the Japanese culture such as making Japanese flower arrangements, participating in a formal Japanese tea ceremony, and watching films. If interested in joining the club, please see Ms. Zoll


Junior Class 



Key Club

The Key Club is a community service and social organization. It is the world’s largest international high school service organization. It is sponsored by its adult counterpart, the Kiwanis International. The club offers students an opportunity to provide service to the community in need, build character, and develop leadership skills. 
Sponsors: Ellen Brinsko and Connie Yeh
Meetings: We meet every other Thursday at LAP and after school in Ms. Brinsko's room 3107.
President: Tina Vo
Vice President: Jezica Siarez
Secretary: Vivian Nguyen
2nd Secretary: Jessika Agyepong
Treasurer: Alisha Khadka
Membership: Hannah Nguyen



Marching Band

The Marching Band and Color Guard perform at each home game and in parades such as for Burtonsville Day. Guard members and the Band work on learning and mastering their choreography at rehearsals after school. Students from all grades are invited to try-out for this active group. If interested, see Mr. Kirchhoff

Math Team 

This club is open to students in all grades and math level courses. The club promotes interest and development of mathematical problem-solving abilities. For more information see Ms. Tang


MESA (Math Engineering Science Achievement)

MESA logo 




Mock Trial 

Students who wish to pursue a career in law should join the Mock Trial Club. Members compete in a courtroom setting and gain experience in persuasive techniques. Students gain familiarity with the legal system and the courtroom as they research cases and participate in simulated trials. If interested, please see Mr. White.

Model UN

The United Nations is an international organization comprising most of the countries of the world, formed in 1945 to promote peach, security, and economic development. As members of the Model UN, students will represent these countries and will compete in simulated UN sessions. Students learn to research issues of global importance and they learn speaking and debating skills. In Model UN, groups of students work together to recreate real situations of the United Nations. The students act as delegates for different countries, debate with other students from several different schools, and create resolutions for the situations.The club is open to all grades and we take a four day trip to Baltimore for the Johns Hopkins University Model UN Conference in February!
Sponsor: Mr. Miller
Meetings: We meet about once or twice a month both after school and at LAP. When a conference is approaching, we try to meet at least once a week.
President: Hargeet Singh
Vice President: John Gruber
Vice President: Milkiyas Fekade
Director of Communications: Jesse Vo
Director of Fundraising: Lacey Walker


Muslim Student Association 

We are a group of dedicated Muslim students striving to unite our Muslim community as a whole. It is a great way to learn more about Islam and each other and it is a common club looking to build an outstanding community.
Sponsor: Ms. Arozullah
Meetings: Every Thursday
President: Bismah Zafar
Vice president: Jahanara Mehreen
Secretary: Idman
Treasurer: Maliha Shah

Operation Smile

Every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft. One in 10 of those children will die before their first birthday. The children who survive have difficulty eating, and sometimes, they are shunned from society. Operation Smile is an international children's medical charity that heals children's smiles. At Paint Branch, we work to raise money for the charity so that we can aid in funding the missions that change the lives of the children who have a cleft.
Sponsor: Mr. Miller
Meetings: Fridays at LAP in Mr. Miller's room, 2218.
Officers: Navaal Mahdi, Lois Mathew, Marianne Salazar, Bilen Tirfe





Peer Mediation

Pit Orchestra


Photography Club 

Psych Club 

The “Psych Club” is designed to promote awareness of psychology and mental/behavioral problems prevalent in society today. Students volunteer assistance to individuals and organizations and work in a collaborative and friendly atmosphere.
Sponsor: Carlos Montalvan
Meetings:  Every other Tuesday during LAP
Officers:  Lacey Walker, Hartej Sing, Vivek Mistry, Lacey Walker, and Navaal Mahdi



The SADD organization is dedicated to the purpose of raising the awareness of students about destructive behavior and drunk driving. Many people die each year as a result of destructive driving, and it has become an increasing problem amongst teenagers. This club is a diverse and active group in the community and it welcomes students from all grade levels as it organizes campaigns and goes on field trips to further consciousness about this important issue.


School Store 



Senior Class 



Ski Club 



Sophomore Class




Stage Crew 

PBHS presents two major productions per year: a drama and a musical. Members of the Drama Club and Stage Crew learn about every aspect of a production from performing, to set design and construction, and technical and lighting techniques to enhance the production. It is a lot of hard work, but it is a great way to meet new people and share the thrill of the final performance. If you are interested in getting involved, please see Ms. Perkins or Ms.Rya


Student Government Association (SGA) 

The SGA provides a student voice to the Paint Branch staff, administration, and community. The SGA plans social activities for the students and organizes service projects such as the Blood Drives, relief funds, and Project Harvest. Student advocates are available to help students with school appeals, procedures, and help to resolve conflict with teachers or administration.

Student Service Learning