
Signature Programs & Academies/ About Career Technoloy Education/ CTE Pathways at PB/ Appreniceship

Signature Programs & Academies

Medical Science, Academy of Health professions (Signature)

This signature program offers an in-depth study of the medical sciences in preparation for a future in medical professions. Students can earn a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) or Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Certification.


Media Arts (Signature)

In this signature program, students will learn about broadcast journalism, animation, digital art and design, television broadcasting, radio, drama, and theater. 

Academy of Finance

In the Academy of Finance, students are introduced to broad career opportunities in the financial services industry. They study finance, banking, money management and the stock market and operate an in-school Sandy Spring bank branch.


Culinary Arts

Our culinary program is ideal for students passionate about all aspects of food. Participants will learn to prepare nutritious meals on a small scale while gaining hands-on experience in a restaurant-grade kitchen. They will create menus and open the kitchen weekly, providing dining experiences for fellow students and staff.


National Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps promotes leadership, develops responsible citizens & respect, promotes an understanding of national security & community service, and provides information for possible military careers. 


Child Development and Education Academy

This academy is designed for students who enjoy working with children and want to explore the  world of teaching. Students help lead and teach a preschool class at Paint Branch High School. 


Advancement Via Individual Determination is a 9-12th grade college preparatory program that teaches students the skills they need to be successful in a rigorous academic curriculum by preparing them for college and other postsecondary opportunities.



Project Lead the way- PLTW

Engineering students adopt a problem-solving mindset, are engaged in compelling, real-world challenges that help them become better collaborators and thinkers, and are prepared with skills to step into any career path they take


Paint Branch is the only school in the NEC to offer Japanese.  Students are immersed in the culture in this exciting language class, meet students from Japan to build their communicative skills, and have the opportunity to travle to Japan during their time at PB.


Career Technology Education

Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. 

These career clusters will help direct you toward focused programs of study with high school plans to help you choose courses that align with your future goals.

In addition, students can incorporate JROTC and internships into a four-year program and potentially earn college credit and industry certification.

Learn more here:

CTE Pathways at PB

College and Career Research Development (CCRD)   

  • College/Career Research Development
  • Career Seminar
  • Site Based Work Experience

Professional Restaurant Management Culinary Arts (ACF)  

  • Professional Restaurant Management Double Period 1 
  • Professional Restaurant Management Double Period 2

Academy of Finance (AOF) Industrial Related Credit: NAF Track Certification

  • Principles of Finance & Banking and Credit
  • Accounting 
  • Financial Planning & NAF Applied Finance
  • NAF Entrepreneurship & International Finance
  • NAF Track Cert (TSA) NAF Internship

   Early Child Development / Teaching 

  • Child Development & Growth
  • Advanced Level Child Development 2
  • Guided Research in Education
  • Capstone:  Advanced Level Internship, Honors OR College Course/Dual Enrollment

Project Lead the Way (PLTW): Adv. Engineering Industrial Related Credential: “Transcripted”  College Credit from RIT

  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Honors Principles of Engineering
  • Honors Digital Electronics
  • Honors Civil Engineering and Architecture, 
  • Capstone:  Honors Engineering Design and Development

Academy of Health Professions and Biosciences

Certified Nursing Assistant Option 1

  • Foundations of Medicine and Health Science
  • Honors Structures and Functions of the Human Body 
  • Honors AHP Specialty CNA Double Period
  • Capstone:  Holy Cross Hospital Internship

Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Option 2

  • Foundations of Medicine and Health Science 
  • Honors Structures and Functions of the Human Body 
  • Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
  • Capstone: Allied Health Internships OR Dual Enrollment Course Opt Adv Science

Media Broadcasting Industrial Related Credit: Adobe Certification

  • Introduction to Interactive Media
  • Video Production
  • Electronic Video Field Production 
  • Capstone Options: Dual Enrollment, Internship, or Guided Research


  • Naval Science 1 
  • Naval Science 2 
  • Naval Science 3 
  • Naval Science 4 

Computer Science - CODE.ORG Industrial Related Credit: Python Certification

  • Programming 1 (Adv. Level)
  • AP Computer Science A (Java)
  • Computer Programming 3  or InfoTech Internship (Adv. Level)


MCPS Youth Apprenticeship Maryland Program

Apprenticeship Maryland is a youth apprenticeship program for students, ages 16 and up, designed to lead to sustainable employment and further education based on a student’s selected career. It was developed in partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland Department of Labor. The program is designed to create compensated, high-quality youth apprenticeships that prepare students to enter employment in high-skilled, high-growth sectors. Participating students start the program in the summer or fall of their junior or senior year and must complete at least 450 hours of work-based training under the supervision of an eligible employer and at least one year of related instruction. 

Learn more here


