Click below for 24-25 Global Field Trips
Erin Binns, Head of House, Global Ecology
9th Grade
Kathy Clowe, Global Honors Biology
Christine Glass, AP Seminar
Ed Morrell, Global Honors US History
10th Grade
Mary Adah, Global Honors Chemistry
Timothy Short, Global AP NSL
11th Grade
, Global Physics and AP Physics
Marcia Snavely, Global AP World History
Chris Hanson, AP Physics 1 & 2
12th Grade
Erin Binns, AP Environmental Science
Paul Dethlefsen, AP Research
Mark Estep, Research B
All Grades
John Sparrow, Paraeducator
News/Current Projects:
- Congratulations to Sophia Deng and Brianna Akuamoah-Boateng for their Third Place Prize for their documentary on environmental concerns related to the Chesapeake Bay: “Education: The Bay’s Greatest Defense.” You can read the press release and view their documentary at the linked website.
- Congratulations to the following Global seniors whose Senior Projects were recognized by the BCC Chapter of the Izaak Walton League and the Maryland Bluebird Society:
IWLA Award Recipients
- Sarah Cho - Utilizing Otolith Chemistry to Map Striped Bass Migration Patterns Across Varying Salinity Gradients
- Leah Becker- Impact of the Clarksburg Special Protection Area
- William Boehm, Ian Boehm, Jeremy Epstein - Powerline Protector (Forest Fire Prevention)
- Luke Pappano, Zachary Ransom, Jae Yi, Jacob Jenkins - Algae Bloom Solution
- Sopia Kozauer - The Effects of Supplementation on Chicken Egg Quality
Maryland Bluebird Society Recognition
- Zoe Antonishek How Local Tourism Affects the Environment in Montgomery County Parks
- Leah Becker Impact of the Clarksburg Special Protection Area
- Haram Kim Survivorship of Planted Trees and Shrubs in Stream Restorations
- Aaron Longbrake Erosion of the Seneca Greenway Trail
- Luke Pappano, Zachery Ransom, Jae Yi, Jacob Jenkins Algae Bloom Solution
Senior Projects
Congratulations to the Global seniors who recently completed the Senior Project Internship pathway. They presented their research at the first ever Global Ecology Expo on January 12th! All students did an excellent job sharing their research. Project titles can be found here.
Rainscapes program
The 9th grade Global students are growing native plants in conjunction with the Montgomery County Rainscapes program. The Rainscapes Program utilizes native plants to reduce stormwater management throughout the county.
Research Study
Global 9th graders recently helped to prepare research plots for a long term global research study under the direction of a research professor at George Washington University. The study is located at BCC-IWLA and will study secondary succession. More information about the study can be found here.
9th Grade Trip to Harpers Ferry!
The Global freshmen had a blast on their first field trip- an overnight camping experience at Harpers Ferry. The students went on their first interpretive hike to the top of Maryland Heights while learning about the flora, fauna and the history of the town of Harpers Ferry. It was a wonderful introduction to the interdisciplinary nature of the Global program.
Welcome back Global students!
We’ve had a great first few weeks back to school and great first field trips! The 10th grade learned about land use and water quality at 10 Mile Creek, 11th grade calculated stream flow at Seneca Creek and 12th grade did a biodiversity study at Sugarloaf Mountain.
Summer Boost Camp!
We were excited to welcome some of our incoming 9th graders at our Summer boost camp held at Kingsley Nature Center. We were able to do a quick stream study and meet some of the Global class of 2026!
The Global Ecology House has instituted a demanding schedule which begins from a student's freshman year and extends through the senior year.
The following courses must be successfully completed by students to receive the Global Ecology Certificate of Achievement. Click HERE for printable copy.

Mission Statement
The Global Ecology House's philosophy is to endow students with a sense of environmental citizenship, responsibility and appreciation for the natural world. GEH's interdisciplinary honors science and social studies program teaches students the interconnections of the natural world and the impact of human activity on those systems.
GEH partners with several environmental groups including:
* Alice Ferguson Foundation
* American Film Institute
* Calleva
* Chesapeake Bay Foundation
* Chesapeake Bay Trust
* Department of Environmental Protection of Montgomery County
* Department of Natural Resources
* Hood College
* Izaak Walton League of Amierca BCC Chapter
* J Craig Venter Institute
* Living Classrooms
* Mirant Power
* MNCPPC - Montgomery Parks Dept
* National Institutes of Health
* National Oceanic and Atmosphic Administration
* Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
* Sugarloaf Citizens Association
*The Society for Ocean Science
* World Wide Walden Project
The Global Ecology House is located at Poolesville High School.The school is ideally situated in a rural setting. While PHS is the smallest high school in Montgomery County, it has a strong academic reputation. The small size guarantees that the staff knows their students.