Principal's Message August 2024 Updates

Poolesville Students, Staff, and Families,

“Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.” --William Shakespeare

Happy August!  It is hard to believe that we will be welcoming our amazing Falcons and our dedicated staff back to PHS in a matter of weeks.  I want to extend a special welcome to our Class of 2028 Falcons and their families.  I am thrilled to welcome you to our amazingly supportive and energetic school community.  

This message provides some preliminary information to prepare you for the year.  You will receive more detailed communication in the coming weeks, and the weekly message will consistently return on Sunday, August 18.  

Table of Contents  

  1. Chromebook Distribution Opportunities
  2. Student and Staff IDs - New for this year!
  3. MCPS and PHS Chromebook Guidelines
  4. Summer Assignments
  5. PHS Administrative Changes
  6. Daily Schedule and Falcon Time/Advisory Update
  7. Cell Phone and PMD Policy
  8. Fall Athletic Registration
  9. Get Involved with PTSA and Boosters
  10. Directory Information and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  11. Spring 2023 ACCESS for ELLs Individual Score Report
  12. Required Vaccinations for School Year 2024-2025
  13. Construction Update
  14. Save-the-Dates

Chromebook Distribution
Incoming 9th graders:
Mrs. Hackey is having a Chromebook distribution on the following days and times: August 8 and August 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00-3:30 p.m.  Chromebooks will be distributed outside of the second front entrance.  Pull into the bus loop and continue past the first entrance (labeled “Poolesville High School”) to the second entrance.

For all students, including rising ninth graders unable to pick-up Chromebooks on August 8-9:  There will be a second distribution on August 15 and 16 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the same location.  Upperclassman, you will have this opportunity to return your Chromebook for a newer model.  All upperclassmen will be required to exchange Chromebook at some point at the beginning of the school year.  Please bring your Chromebook and charger to exchange. 

If you cannot make these times, there will be other opportunities for your student to receive their Chromebook.  We will send more information soon with dates and times as they become available. 

Student and Staff IDs - NEW for the 2024-2025 School Year
Beginning this upcoming school year, all students and staff will be required to have their student and staff IDs worn and visible at all times during the school day.  This is to ensure the safety of our students and staff and identify any unauthorized visitors to the school.  Details about timelines and expectations will be communicated as the year begins.  

New Chromebook Guidelines
There is new information regarding Chromebooks from MCPS.  The information below comes from a memo sent out to schools from MCPS regarding Chromebooks that are damaged:

"Each student is financially responsible for damage caused or loss of any Chromebook and charger that is checked out to the student. The device is loaned to the student to be used for instructional purposes only and in accordance with MCPS Regulation User Responsibilities for Computer Systems, Electronic Information, and Network Security. No cost is associated for a student to borrow, possess, or use an MCPS Chromebook. A family is only financially responsible when there is avoidable damage to the device. If the device is faulty, there is no charge to the family; however, if the damage is considered avoidable or the device or charger is lost, the family will be charged according to MCPS current parts and replacement costs." 

For your knowledge, please review the MCPS Chromebook Acceptable Use Policy (English/Spanish).   

Summer Assignments
After careful consideration, Poolesville High School decided to forgo summer assignments for students this year so that students’ summer activities can be driven by their own (and their families’) interests, needs, and goals rather than required coursework. It is our expectation that as a result of this “gift of time,” students will return in the fall truly refreshed and ready to embrace the rigorous instruction that awaits them.  We encourage students to continue learning over the summer by accessing great ideas through books and museums (digital options abound!), and by engaging in activities that elevate the body, the spirit, and the mind. August is here, and having solid habits for stress relief and well-being are critical to your academic success. 

Summer Math: We strongly discourage taking an MCPS math class for original credit over the summer with the goal of accessing more advanced math courses in high school. In the brief weeks of summer school, students do not experience the depth of learning needed to succeed at the next level of advanced coursework. 

PHS Administration Changes
There have been some changes to the administrative team at Poolesville High School (PHS).  First, our principal intern last year, Mr. Ryan Graves, was appointed as principal of Carderock Springs Elementary School.  We wish Mr. Graves continued success in his new role.  

As a result, Mr. Daniel McKenna has earned a promotion from assistant school administrator (ASA) to assistant principal (AP).  Congratulations, Mr. McKenna!  

We are currently undergoing the interview and hiring processes to select our next ASA and finalize our team.  I will send a community notification when the new ASA is selected and hired.  In the meantime, the rest of our administrative team, listed below, is here to serve our students, staff, and families:

  • Mr. Mark A. Carothers, Principal
  • Mr. Dan McKenna, Assistant Principal
  • Ms. Allison Wilder, Magnet Coordinator
  • Ms. Susan Krouner, School Business Administrator

Daily Bell Schedule and Falcon Time/Advisory Updates
You can find our daily schedule at this link.  There will be more information concerning bus routes and times communicated once they are finalized.  

To support our students’ academic and non-academic needs (social-emotional learning, time management, reassessment opportunities, etc.), PHS follows a different schedule on Wednesdays.  On these days, students report to their homeroom teacher after second period for either Advisory or Falcon Time.  On Advisory days, teachers will facilitate programmed lessons and activities designed to support students’ social-emotional well-being, reinforce our student community, and receive important information.  We are required to hold a structured Advisory period every two weeks, at a minimum.  Falcon Time is self-directed time for students so they are able to attend to their most immediate needs (studying for a test, practice self-care, work with a partner on a project, etc.).  Falcon Time is not required by MCPS and was implemented in response to student voice data stating that our students want and need self-directed time for themselves to mentally and physically catch up.  

Unfortunately, we saw an alarming issue with attendance last year with Falcon Time and Advisory.  Specifically, more than ⅔ of our students were absent from this Homeroom period more than 10% of the time it was held.  Many students have frequently skipped this period in the building or left the building to go into the local community.  As a result of the frequent attendance issues, which causes serious safety concerns, I want to restate and reinforce the following expectations:

  • Falcon Time and Advisory are to be treated as normal class periods.  Students are expected to attend each time, follow the proper pass procedure when necessary, and refrain from using their personal mobile devices (PMDs).  
  • Attendance is taken each period, and this attendance will be monitored by administration.  
  • If attendance continues to be an issue, Falcon Time may be eliminated; we will still hold an Advisory every other week as required.  
  • Any student caught skipping Falcon Time or Advisory will receive a disciplinary referral and progressive discipline in alignment with the MCPS Student Code of Conduct.  
  • Security, Administration, and various teacher leaders will monitor hallways, bathrooms, and exits during the Falcon Time/Advisory period.  

The following adjustments will also be made, based on student and staff feedback:

  • To honor academic class time, there will not be an Advisory or Falcon Time on shortened weeks.  For example, if we do not have school on a Monday, there will be no Falcon Time or Advisory Schedule that week.  
  • The Falcon Time/Advisory period may be moved to another day of the week when there is a need, such as report card distribution.  This will be communicated in advance.  
  • We will ensure there is a Falcon Time on the final Wednesday prior to the end of the marking period to allow students the opportunity to catch up on work, take advantage of reassessment opportunities, etc.  
  • Teachers will communicate their specific Office Hours: when and where they are available before school, after school, and during lunch.  Teachers will provide students with passes to come during Falcon Time, as long as it is pre-arranged.  

Cell Phone (and other Personal Mobile Devices) Policy
At Poolesville High School, we want our students to take advantage of the educational opportunities provided during class time.  Cell phones and other personal mobile devices have continued to be a distraction to student learning and a factor in adolescent mental health challenges.  As we begin a new school year, this is a reminder that students are not permitted to use their cell phones and other personal mobile devices (PMDs) during class time, unless directed by a teacher.  Students may only use their cell phones and PMDs before school, during class transitions, during lunch, and after school.  Failure to abide by this expectation will result in communication with parents, disciplinary referrals, and possible confiscation of the device.  Please click the link to review the complete 2024-25 Poolesville High School Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Policy.  

Athletics Fall Registration
All PHS athletic programs still need students to register for the Fall teams. Now is the time to register so you are ready to go on the first day.

Registration is open on ParentVue through Synergy. Students must be registered, have an updated physical using the MCPS SR8 form, and approved to begin on August 14th. Deadline to register for the first day is 3:00 p.m. on August 12.  Once the student is registered the parent/guardian will receive an email from MCPS to say that the registration went through. If you do not receive this email your registration is not fully submitted.  The student will receive an email from Ms. Grubb once registered if they are pending (missing items), or approved (ready to begin). This email will go to the email address. If they do not receive this email they are not registered. 

If you are unable to upload the physical, it must be sent electronically to Ms. Grubb, Athletic Specialist, at  The physical cannot be brought in person. 

Fall Team Opportunities--Cheer, Cross Country-Boys & Girls, Field Hockey, Flag Football-Girls, Tackle Football, Golf, Corollary Pickleball, Poms, Soccer-Boys & Girls, Volleyball-Girls

You can find more information in the PHS Athletic Information and PHS Fall Tryout/Practice Information links.  Don't wait until the last minute to register! REGISTER NOW!! If you register closer to the start date or send me items late, you may not be able to participate on the first day.  Email Ms. Grubb with any questions. 

Get Involved and Be a Part of our Parent and Student Organizations
We have an incredibly supportive parent community at PHS.  You can support our Falcons and staff through your participation and membership in our PTSA and our Athletic Booster Club.  Please consider joining both organizations, as they are valuable resources and partners in ensuring our students and staff have everything they need to be successful.  You can become a member of PTSA at this link and a member of the Booster Club at this link.  Thank you, in advance, for all of your support!

Directory Information and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
In alignment with the Well Being and Family Engagement pillar of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Strategic Plan, and in accordance with federal law, each year we are required to inform parents/guardians of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, P.L. 93-380, and its implementing regulations (FERPA), as well as their rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, 20 U.S.C. 1232h and its implementing regulations 34 C.F.R. Part 98 (PPRA). PPRA requires educational institutions to notify parents/guardians of their rights concerning the district’s conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. The PPRA notice can also be found online and is available in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Amharic, and Portuguese.

Please review this linked information and either return the completed FERPA form to the main office by September 12th, or use your ParentVue in Synergy to indicate if you have directory preferences.    

Spring 2023 ACCESS for ELLs Individual Score Report
2024 ACCESS for ELLs Individual Score Reports (ISRs) were delivered to the post office for mailing on 7/11/24.  Understanding Your Child’s Scores are located here.

Required Vaccinations for School Year 2024-2025
All students who are new to MCPS are required to provide documentation of required vaccinations or a medical or religious exemption.  In addition, incoming Grade 9 students will need documentation of 2 doses of the varicella vaccine.  Maryland residents can access their own immunization records in ImmuNet and print out the Maryland 896 form without having to go to their healthcare provider or local health department through a free website service, Maryland MyIR (My Immunization Record), linked Here.  

Construction Update
Earlier this summer, I sent out this PHS Construction Update.  All planned abatement has been completed and demolition of the class building is ready to occur.  All student activities may now proceed as scheduled, and students and staff are still required to remain respectful and mindful of the separation between the occupied school areas and the off-limits construction areas.  

As the year progresses, I will keep you informed of upcoming dates and school wide events.  Please make sure you have saved the following dates in your calendars; more details will follow as we get closer to the events.  

  • Back-To-School Night - Thursday, August 29 
  • Homecoming Game - Friday, October 18
  • Homecoming Dance - Saturday, October 19  

Please see the MCPS calendar for all holidays, professional days, and early release days.  

Falcons Fly High!


Mark A. Carothers