The Pyle Education Foundation:  Staff, parents and administrators working together to make Pyle a better place for your student.  

Did you know that the Pyle Education Foundation provides grants to supply students and staff members with programs and services not covered by the MCPS budget?

Did you also know that the Pyle Education Foundation is solely supported by generous donations from you?

The Pyle Education Foundation raises funds to support needed projects to enrich and extend the education of the Pyle Middle School community. Working with Pyle staff and parent leadership, the Foundation assesses the transformative potential of our combined resources to fund unmet facility, equipment, and program needs. We are a volunteer-run, 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt fundraising organization.

The Board is asking that you consider donating $100 to $150 per child to help fund all the projects the Foundation supports here at Pyle. 

Please DONATE NOW to the Pyle Education Foundation.


The PEF Grant Program

Every year the PEF awards grants to promote the mission to enhance education at Pyle. The three broad categories for funding programs are: school programs, facility improvements, and community outreach. Grant amounts will be based on need, merit and available resources. PEF accepts grant applications on a rolling basis. The PEF Board will review requests received and notify applicants promptly.  

To submit a grant proposal for the 2024-2025 school year, use the Grant Request Form.



  • Tremor tables for 6th grade science classes
  • Hydroponics lab materials for 7th grade science classes
  • Picnic tables for the courtyard
  • Math team competition materials
  • Choral accompanists and clinicians
  • Instrumental clinicians
  • Assistance for Pyle families displaced by a residential building fire
  • Funding for teachers’ professional development


Seeking Transformative Ideas to Improve Pyle 

The Pyle Education Foundation funds projects that enhance the greater Pyle community. The Foundation focuses on projects for facilities, equipment and/or programs that have a multi-year impact. In looking to prioritize future fundraising goals, the Board of the Foundation is seeking suggestions for transformative projects for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond. Any administrator, teacher, parent or student with suggestions should contact us at


PEF Board Members (Parent Volunteers) for 2024-2025:

Julie Schuman and Shilpa Shah (Co-Presidents), Julie Lobb (Treasurer), Lipika Dash (Secretary), Kit Leininger and Jen Villani (Fundraising), and Chris Nardi (Principal).