Latin America Environment Links

BRAZIL: Destruction of the Amazon Rainforest 

ECUADOR: Galapagos Islands – Fishing and Ecotourism (consider bias of each source) 

Burning Amazon  (importance of rainforests) 

PBS: Threats to the Galapagos 

All About Rainforests 

Environmental Issues 

Rainforest Facts: Disappearing Rainforest 

 Galapagos Online Conservation 

Mr. Downling’s S.A. Passport: Amazon Rainforest 

Conservation Challenges in the Galapagos 

PBS Be an Amazon Activist 

 Galapagos Cruises Environmental Issues 

World Wildlife Fund – Amazon check links on right  


MongoBay: Amazon Rainforest (more links at bottom) 




EL SALVADOR: Cash Crop: Coffee 

 Nicaragua: Deforestation

BBC News: Biodiversity-Friendly Coffee 

 Nicaragua Forest Figures

BBC News: Coffee May Save El Salvador Wildlife 

 Nicaragua Forest Data

Rainforest Alliance: Coffee Farmers Reap Benefits 

 Nicaragua Environment

USAID: Coffee Makes a Comeback in El Salvador 



PARAGUAY:  Itaipu Dam (also in Brazil) 

MEXICO: Expansion of Mexico City  

(include impacts of urbanization and pollution ) 

 Itaipu Dam and Power Plant 

 Mexico City Growth 

 The Itaipu Dam  

Urban and Industrial Environment  (#2) 

USGS: World’s Largest Hydroelectric Plant 

BBC News: Mexico’s Dirty Truth 

American University: Itapu Dam   see: 1,5,9,25,26 

Mexico City 

 Moon Travel Guides - Itaipu Dam 



PANAMA: Deforestation and the Panama Canal 

PERU: Mining and the Environment 

 Deforestation of the Panama Canal 

PBS Frontline: Toxic Shimmer of Gold 

MongaBay: Panama 

Fight over Peru Gold Mine 

Water Woes at the Panama Canal 

Forest Cover and Deforestation 

Why Is Park Important to the Panama Canal? 

Mining            Mining in the Rainforest 


BBCNews: Gold Mine Sparks Battle in Peru (mercury) 


Peru Mining: (issue & description sections only) 


Melting Mountains (video) 


Yanaconcha Gold Mine 


Cold in the Mountains 


VENEZUELA: Oil and the Environment 


 Oil Pollution 

 Demanding Environmental Action 

Oil Economy and the Environment 

Foundation for Sustainable Development 

Corrosion in Venezuela 

 ISPNews: Ban on Logging 

Basic Environmental Issues 

ISPNews: Vulnerability to Climate Change 

 Venezuela Environment 


Venezuela- Energy Overview   


GUATEMALA: World’s Second Largest Rainforest 

CHILE: Deforestation and Pollution 

USAID – Environment Summary 

Chile Information Project 

Nature Conservancy 

 Cooking with the Sun 


Santiago Pollution   #1, 5, 23, 24, 26 

Vanishing Salamanders 

Air Pollution                   

 Rainforest News 

Pollution-Reducing Measures 


Santiago Fighting Pollution 


Pedalling Against Pollution 


  Soil Conservation and Deforestation 



HONDURAS:  Poverty and the Environment 

COSTA RICA: Deforestation and Biodiversity 

BBC News: 

Tourist Boom 


Conservation International 

Nature Conservancy 

Climate Change Effects 

Case Study  #1, 2, 12, 16, 25, 27 

Open-Pit Mining 




Sustainable Development 


Coffee Growing 


TED Coffee Study   #1, 2, 5, 7, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24 


 Colombia: Biodiversity at Risk and Deforestation

Cuba: Pollution


Cuba Facts 

Deforestation and Deluge 

Air and Water Pollution in Cuba 

Wildlife Preservation 

Cuban Environment 

Project Titi - conservation