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PTG Board for 2017-2018
Co-President: Vanessa Jones vanessajonespjr@yahoo.com Co-President: Carol Scott scott97@comcast.net Secretary: Treasurer: David Milobsky **There is a call for Board Members. If you would like to serve, please contact Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Scott, or Rock Terrace School. Thanks.
Welcome to Rock Terrace School!
Welcome to the Rock Terrace Parent-Teacher Group (PTG). We are an active, supportive community of parents, teachers, and staff. As the parent or guardian of a Rock Terrace School student, you are a member of this community.
The PTG is active in supporting opportunities for our students to develop the social skills necessary to get along with and enjoy other people, and to get along in life. We sponsor extra-curricular social events for the students about once a month, including a fall festival, dances, and dinners. In addition, twice a year we host a breakfast or luncheon to show our appreciation for our wonderful staff and teachers. In recent years, we have also sponsored a DJ for the dances and the school prom, and we provide snacks at school events, such as the monthly Rockers.
The money which pays for these activities comes from our PTG dues, which are only $15 a year, and from admission to our evening events. Although we sometimes receive donations from individuals or community organizations, our small annual dues payment accounts for most of our budget. We are all volunteers: board members, event chairs, and helpers. All of the money donated goes back to support programming for students at Rock Terrace School. Please join us in supporting the school in this way.
We also welcome you to our online discussion group. Rock Terrace is small, but our families come from all over Montgomery County. We are a very active community. For many of us, the easiest way to be a part of the community is through this Yahoo!Group. Find everything from school-based programs and activities to information about services in the community-at-large at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rockterraceptg/ .
Joining the Yahoo!Group is easy. Just go to the website and click on Join This Group. Remember to briefly state your connection to Rock Terrace. As soon as you have been approved as a member (usually within 24 hours), you can choose in Settings to receive notifications either as individual emails or as a daily email digest. You can also choose to visit the group on the web at your convenience, which many parents of Rock Terrace graduates choose to do.
It is also easy to post a message to the group. Email your post to rockterraceptg@yahoogroups.com, or go to the site and click on Post (under Messages in the side bar). To reply to a message, click on Reply at the top or bottom of the message on the website. From your email digest or individual email, you can Reply to Sender privately, Reply to Group via email, or Reply via Web Post, which takes you to the website. When your child leaves Rock Terrace, you can easily unsubscribe yourself from the list, unless you want to stay informed regarding evening social activities. All parents and guardians are invited and encouraged to join the Yahoo!Group.
We ask that all PTG members who can afford to do so support the organization by contributing $15 per family per year. (If you cannot afford that amount, we appreciate whatever you are able to give. If you can afford to give a little more, we will be happy to accept it.) Remember: all the money is used for student activities or staff appreciation. Send your cash or checks (made out to Rock Terrace PTG) to the PTG Treasurer, c/o Rock Terrace School, 390 Martins Lane, Rockville MD 20850 (or send it in with your student).
So please, be an active part of this all-volunteer organization. Our children need everyone to help to the extent that they can. Rock Terrace is a small school, but if each does his/her part, together we can make a difference in our students’ lives and education. It really does “take a village” — moms, dads, grandparents, siblings, relatives and friends ---to raise a child. To volunteer, send a message to the Yahoo!Group or directly to the PTG President at the school (see above address or send in with your student). You can use the form below to pay your dues and to volunteer your services. Thank you very much!
Parent name(s) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Home phone ______________________ Cell phone ______________________ Work phone ______________________
Child's name and homeroom (1st period) teacher __________________________________________________________
I can… ___chair or co-chair an event ___ help with an event ___ serve on the board ___ be a contact person for my child's homeroom
___ Dues are enclosed
Rock Terrace Parent-Teacher Group 2017-2018 Calendar
September 01, 2017 |
Friday |
Staff Appreciation Breakfast |
Cafeteria |
September 11, 2017 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
October 09, 2017 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
October 27, 2017 |
Friday |
PTG Fall Festival |
Gym, 7:00-9:00 pm |
November 13, 2017 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
December 11, 2017 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
January 08, 2018 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
January 25, 2018 |
Thursday |
PTG Movie Afternoon |
Media Center, 1:30-4:30 (tentative time) |
February 09, 2018 |
Friday |
PTG-Valentine’s Dance |
Gym, 7:00-9:00 pm |
February 12, 2018 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
March 12, 2018 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
March 16, 2018 |
Friday |
PTG Spaghetti Dinner Night |
Cafeteria, 6:30-8:30 pm |
April 09, 2018 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
May 07-11, 2018 |
Mon-Fri |
Staff Appreciation Week |
May 08, 2018 |
Tuesday |
PTG Staff Appreciation Luncheon (tentative) |
Copy Room |
May 14, 2018 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
May 18, 2018 |
Friday |
PTG Pizza & Bingo Night |
Cafeteria, 6:30-8:30 pm |
June 11, 2018 |
Monday |
PTG Meeting |
Bistro, 9:15-10:15 am |
**Event dates/times are subject to change**
PTG Meetings are held the second Monday of every month from 9:15-10:15 am in the Bistro unless there is a previously scheduled school closure. All are welcome.