Parent-Teacher Conferences
When: Monday, November 25, 2024
Seneca Valley will hold Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, November 25 in two different chunks of time.
Virtual conferences will be available from 12:30-2:30 and caregivers may begin signing up on ParentVUE on November 11 until November 22. Caregivers must schedule a virtual conference on ParentVUE in order to participate. Virtual conferences will last 10 minutes. While sign-up for virtual conferences will be on ParentVUE, the actual conferences will take place on Zoom. The Zoom information that teachers will use can be found in two ways. One way is through MyMCPS Classroom, at the top of the Modules page, the other way is by using the Meeting ID number that you will see in ParentVUE under “location” when you sign up for conferences.
In-person conferences will be available in the Cafeteria/Gym from 4:00-7:00. No appointments are needed. If there is something specific you would like to discuss with your student's teacher please reach out to them via email ahead of time. If you have concerns that would require more than 10 minutes please contact the appropriate counselor to schedule a conference.
If you plan to come to the in person conferences please complete this form.
For support with accessing ParentVUE, please call the main office or email your student’s counselor:
Main Office: (240) 740-6400
Last Name: Counselor
- A - BOL: Mrs. Fellows Ellen_P_Fellows@mcpsmd.org
- BOM - CORD: Mrs. Sealey Toni_D_Sealey@mcpsmd.org
- CORE - GAN: Mr. Grindley Chris_Grindley@mcpsmd.org
- GAO - HY: Ms. Duffy (Kozorosky) Paulina_M_Kozorosky@mcpsmd.org
- I - L: Ms. Harriston Gabrielle_N_Harriston@mcpsmd.org
- M - NGO: Mrs. West Phalia_J_West@mcpsmd.org
- NGU - RAZ: Mrs. Cole Katherine_Cole@mcpsmd.org
- RE - STEP: Mr. Singh Merwyn_Singh@mcpsmd.org
- STER - WO: Mr. Martinez Kevin_J_Martinez@mcpsmd.org
- WU - Z: Mr. Yarmus, Resource Counselor Ian_J_Yarmus@mcpsmd.org
- EMLs 1-3: Ms. Ruiz - Quintanilla Isabel_RuizQuintanilla@mcpsmd.org
For support with signing up for a conference, please access these support guides from MCPS: