SAT School Day - Mar 19

On Wednesday, March 19th, we will administer the SAT free of charge to all Grade 11 students, who were first time ninth graders in 2022–2023. Non-diploma bound students and students in English Language Development Levels 1 and 2 are not required to take the assessment. Below are a few logistical key points to prepare you for our day.

Bell Schedule

On the day of the assessment, testers should report by 7:25am with their fully charged school-issued Chromebooks. All non-testing students can report to school by 11:45am. Since transportation will be available for all students according to our normal school hours, any student who is not participating in SAT testing will report to the cafeteria or gym from 7:45am – 11:45am. Below is the bell schedule.

Testing Room Assignments

On March 10th, testers will receive an email that will include testing room assignments. Again, all testers are asked to report by 7:25am to allow for a prompt start of the assessment at 7:45am.

For questions, please contact Mr. Stancell, assistant principal and SAT testing coordinator at or (240) 740-6400. 

3.19.25 SAT Bell Schedule