Summer Area Advocacy Meeting Flyer and Schedule

RSVP Form Here

Damascus | Gaithersburg | Magruder |Watkins Mill

Please take advantage of this opportunity to discuss how to make a positive
change in our schools and communities! ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad para
discutir cómo hacer un cambio positivo en nuestras escuelas y comunidades!
Magruder High School Cafeteria
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Martes, 20 de Junio de 2023
5939 Muncaster Mill Road, Derwood, MD
6-6:30 pm - “Meet & Greet” (light refreshments provided) “Conocer y Saludar” (refrigerios proporcionados)
6:30-6:45 pm – Introductions/Introducciones
6:45-7:15 pm – Breakout Rooms (Choose 1) -Reunion en cuarto (Escoja 1)
7:15-7:45 pm – Breakout Rooms (Choose 1)-Reunion en cuarto (Escoja 1)
Breakout Room Topics include/Temas incluye:
● School Safety & Security-School Safety & Security-Seguridad escolar y protección
● Facility /Maintenance /Capital Improvements-Facilities, Maintenance & Capital
Improvements-Instalaciones, mantenimiento y proyectos de construcción.
● Fostering Inclusive & Equitable School Communities-Fostering Inclusive & Equitable School
Communities-Criando comunidades escolares inclusivas y equitativas
● Student/Parent/Family Engagement (including athletics and
extracurriculars)-Student, Parent & Family Engagement-Participación de
estudiantes, padres y familias

7:45-8:45 pm – Questions & Answers/Preguntas y Respuestas

Damascus Cluster Schools: Damascus HS | Baker MS | Rocky Hill MS | Hallie Wells MS | Cedar Grove | Clearspring |
Damascus ES | Rockwell | Woodfield
Gaithersburg Cluster Schools: Gaithersburg HS | Forest Oak MS | Gaithersburg MS | Gaithersburg ES | Goshen | Laytonville
| Rosemont | Strawberry Knoll | Summit Hall | Washington Grove
Magruder Cluster Schools: Magruder HS | Redland MS | Shady Grove MS | Candlewood | Cashell | Flower Hill | Mill Creek
Towne | Resnik | Sequoyah
Watkins Mill Cluster Schools: Watkins Mill HS | Montgomery Village MS | Neelsville MS | South Lake | Stedwick | Watkins Mill
ES | Whetstone

MCCPTA Area Cluster Leadership/Lideres del area:
Area Vice President: Kristin Erdheim
Damascus: Aimee Ibacache & Leander Uvary Gaithersburg: LaTia Barrett, Irma Najarro, Kari Primozic
Magruder: Kim Glassman, Irene Johnson, April Jones Watkins Mill: VACANT

