Cafeteria Information
Direct Phone Number: 240-740-2754
Current Elementary School Breakfast and Lunch Menu
2021-2022 Lunch Schedule
Alternative Lunch Schedules
Alternative Lunch Schedule with Specials21-22.docx
Meal Prices
All meals are free for students for the 2021-2022 school year.
Free and Reduced Meals - Students may qualify for free or reduced price meals based on household size or income. They may also qualify if they are receiving Food Supplement Program or Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits. Students may apply for meal benefits at any time during the school year. Applications are sent home at the beginning of the school year and are also available on the MCPS website.
A student who forgets his/her lunch or money will be given a hot lunch. The school will loan the student money, however, the parent should reimburse the school on the following school day. If a student does not have lunch money for more than 3 days and has not reimbursed the school the lunch money owed, that student will receive a jam sandwich, fruit and milk for lunch on the fourth day and thereafter.
Students are not permitted to share food during their lunch session.