Specials → Music


Email Mrs. Hochkeppel (mary_hochkeppel@mcpsmd.org)

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Sligo Creek Elementary School Chorus

During the school year (2024-2025) at Sligo Creek Elementary School, Chorus is an all-inclusive course of study for all Fourth and Fifth Grade Students.  Each grade level has a chorus rehearsal once a week for forty-five minutes, during the school day.  There will be a strong focus on singing with proper vocal production.  Rehearsal techniques and building the student’s choral repertoire will be also be emphasized.  In addition, students will develop basic choral reading and singing skills, by performing in two and three part harmony.  Parent Information Letters will be sent home in the September 20, 2024 Friday Folder.  During the first two weeks of school, all Fourth and Fifth Grade Students will participate in Vocal Placement Tests to determine their vocal range and section.  (Soprano:high voice or Alto: low voice)

Recorder Update: 

  • Recorder instruction for all Third Grade Students will begin the week of January 6, 2025.  All students in Grade 3 are reminded to buy/bring a soprano recorder to each music class, along with a music folder for sheet music and written assignment storage.  Parent Information Letters on Recorder Purchase Procedures were sent home in the September 20, 2024 Friday Folder.
  • All students in Grades 4 and 5 are reminded to bring in their soprano recorder to each music class, along with a music folder for sheet music and written assignment storage.  Thank you!

Performance Groups at Sligo Creek ES

During the school year (2024-2025), at Sligo Creek Elementary School, there will be two performing Dance Teams, and a Percussion Ensemble in addition to the performing Sligo Creek Elementary Fourth and Fifth Grade Chorus.  One Dance Team will be for Third Grade Students entitled:  “The Sun Catcher Dance Team” and the Second one will be for Fourth and Fifth Grade Students entitled:  “The Solar Flares Dance Team”.  The Percussion Ensemble will be entitled:  The All-Star Orff Ensemble and it will be available for Fourth and Fifth Grade Students.

Due to the large number of students who signed up for the Solar Flares Dance Team and the All-Star Orff Ensemble, we needed to divide them into Winter and Spring Groups.  The Winter Groups will perform in the Winter Concerts and the Spring Groups will perform in the Spring Concerts.

All Students in the Third Grade Classes are invited to sign-up for the “Sun Catcher Dance Team”.  This dance team meets every Tuesday, beginning: October 22, 2024.

All Students in the Fourth and Fifth Grade Classes are invited to sign-up for the “Solar Flares Dance Team”.  The Winter Solar Flares Dance team meets every Wednesday, beginning:  October 23, 2024, until the Winter Concert Performances have been completed.

All Students in the Fourth and Fifth Grade Classes are invited to sign-up for the “All-Star Orff Ensemble”.  The Winter All-Start Orff Ensemble will meet every Thursday, beginning:  October 24, 2024, until the Winter Concert Performances have been completed.

All rehearsals will be held in the Music Room, from 8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Both Dance Teams and the Orff Ensemble will perform in two concerts during the school year.  Two concerts will be in the Winter and the other two will be in the Spring.  Our Winter Concerts for Chorus, Dance and Orff will occur on Thursday, December 12, 2024, and on Thursday, December 19, 2024 and our Spring Concerts for Chorus, Dance and Orff will occur on Thursday, May 8, 2025 and Thursday, May 15, 2025.  There may be more opportunities for our dance teams and Orff ensemble to perform and I plan to inform you as soon as these events occur.

In order to ensure the success of our concerts, we are requesting that all dance team members wear an all-black outfit.  (i.e. black leotards, black turtleneck or black T-shirt, black leggings or black sweatpants and dark jazz dancing shoes or dark sneakers).  If your child is a member of the Orff ensemble, concert attire (i.e. white polo shirt, dark slacks and dark shoes) is requested for all performances. 

Please be advised that parents are responsible for transportation to all dance team and percussion ensemble rehearsals and concerts.   Parent Information Letters on our Winter Performance Groups will be sent home in the October 18th 2024 Friday Folder.

Our Spring Performance Group Rehearsals will begin on the following dates and times:

Our first Spring Sun Catchers Dance Team Rehearsal will begin on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Our first Spring Solar Flares Dance Team Rehearsal will begin on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 from 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Our first Spring All-Star Orff Ensemble Rehearsal will begin Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

All rehearsals will be held in the SCES Music Room.


Please be advised that when MCPS Schools are CLOSED and/or DELAYED, all Performance Group (All Dance Teams and Orff ensemble) Rehearsals are cancelled.  

In addition, please be advised that after each concert has performed, the weekly morning rehearsals for all performing groups will end until further notice.


MCPS Elementary Honors Chorus Rehearsals and Concert Performance 2025:

Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.

Odessa Shannon Middle School

11800 Monticello Ave.

Silver Spring, Maryland  20902

  • February 18, 25, 2025
  • March  4, 11, 18, 25, 2025
  • April 1, 8, 22, 2025
  • Final Tech Rehearsal: April 29, 2025, 7:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Paint Branch High School, 14121 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville, MD  20866                                                                                                   

MCPS Elementary Honors Southeast Chorus Concert:

TBA  (Students are expected to be in the Choral Room at 7:15 p.m.)

Concert begins:  8:15 p.m.

Paint Branch High School

14121 Old Columbia Pike

Burtonsville, Maryland 20866

Here is a link to more information about the MCPS Honors Chorus and the Fine Arts Program in MCPS:

 MCPS Honors Chorus



At Sligo Creek ES, we have a strong belief that all students are gifted no matter what their academic abilities, physical and mental challenges or socio-economic or ethnic background happens to be. Each child is important and treated with the utmost respect and care.

We believe everyone has a voice that needs to be heard. We encourage community spirit, as well as, give assiduous and careful attention to the individual learner. We believe all children are artists, who color our lives with energy, create dreams to shape reality, and give purpose to our presence.




How to Conduct Yourself in Class

  • Always enter/exit in a quiet, well-behaved manner.
  • Listen to the speaker.
  • Follow directions carefully.
  • Handle all materials with care.
  • Be polite to each other.
  • Use correct posture.
  • Raise your hand to request permission to speak.
  • Take warm-ups seriously.
  • Help keep the room clean.
  • Sing with a pleasing tone.