School Information → Bus Transportation

Bus Transportation

Bus transportation is a privilege and students must follow all school and bus rules while traveling on the bus. Discipline problems which occur on the bus are dealt with severely because they jeopardize student safety. The school reserves the right to deny bus transportation to students who do not comply with bus rules.

Unless the school receives a written request from a parent/guardian, students are expected to ride home on their assigned bus. Students must ride their assigned bus daily and board or depart from the same stop.

SSIMS Area Bus Routes for SY 24-25 


IMMERSION Bus Routes for SY 24-25 



Students using the Magnet buses in the morning:

  • If the route ends at Eastern MS, they should not get off at Blair HS. Instead, continue to Eastern MS and transfer to any of the following bus routes that go to SSIMS:  1706 – 3705 – 5713 – 6709.
  • If bus route ends at Blair HS, students need to transfer to one of the route that go to Eastern MS, and then transfer again to one of the previously notated bus routes that come to SSIMS.

In the afternoon:

  • Students should take bus route 3705 or 3709 to Blair HS and then transfer to respective their magnet bus route.
  • There are no buses going to Eastern MS in the afternoon because both schools have the same dismissal time. 


  • Students should be at their designated bus stop at least 10 minutes before the time specified on the list.
  • Please make sure your child knows the bus number, bus stop, and the space number where it parks at Blair HS. This will help them find their way to the next bus.

If there are delays in morning or afternoon routes, you may contact the bus depot based on the number of your child’s bus, as follows:

Bus depots