National Junior Honor Society: FAQs
Where can I find my GPA?
All GPA's are now found on Edline.
Who chooses inductees into the NJHS?
After students fill out an information sheet and the required recommendation forms from teachers and/or other adults, all of their qualifications will be reviewed by our NJHS Faculty Council. The NJHS Faculty Council is an anonymous group of faculty members who make final decisions about who will be invited for induction into the NJHS. The NJHS Faculty Council also serves as the group who determines if a student should be dismissed because of a failure to meet expectations in one of the five areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Character, or Citizenship. The NJHS sponsors do not have a vote on the Faculty Council and will not be making any decisions regarding acceptance, rejection, or dismissal.
If I'm a 6th grader, what can I do to become a better candidate for NJHS in 7th and 8th grade?
One of the best things you can do as a 6th grader is to have really strong grades. You should work hard every day in school because as a 7th grade inductee, you will qualify in the area of scholarship based on your grades in 6th grade! Also, becoming involved in school clubs and activities, following all school rules and being a great role model for other students will give you strong teacher recommendations. In addition, outside of school, you can begin to track community service hours (work in which you don't receive some kind of pay) in order to strengthen your information sheet.