About Us

Stone Mill Expectations

When Principal Kim Williams took the school's helm in the fall of 2001, she conveyed her expectations for each and every student in the school. The "Stone Mill Expectations" have since become a mantra that the students recite each day before they begin their studies. Stone Mill staff members work closely with the children to assist them in becoming exemplary students and citizens, through emphasis on these expectations, in conjunction with the Pillars of Character in the Character Counts! Program.

My school, my family and I expect my very best today, so today I will:

  • Be kind in my words and actions
  • Be honest and make good choices
  • Follow school rules and be a good friend
  • Take responsibility for myself and my learning


Thomas S. Wootton Cluster Schools

Stone Mill ES is part of the Thomas S. Wootton Cluster. Our students will attend Cabin John Middle School for Grades 6-8 and then Thomas S. Wootton High School for Grades 9-12.