The International Baccalaureate (IB) Regional Program




Program Contact Information

IB Regional and MYP Coordinator: Elisha J. Ruiz Adorno 240-284-4376

IB DP and CP Coordinator: Reina Flores Sesnich 301-284-4375

IB Programmes Supervising Administrator: Veena Roberson  301-284-4400


International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)

IB Diploma Program 

IB Career-Related Program 


IB Credit-University Policy 

University of Maryland, College Park

College Park requires 5’s and 6’s, depending on the course, to grant credit. You’ll note that HL (two year) courses receive more credit than (SL) one year courses.


University of Maryland Baltimore County

Like College Park, UMBC requires 5-6’s for credit:


Towson University

International Baccalaureate

Towson University recognizes that the International Baccalaureate (IB) program represents achievement beyond the standard American high school program and regularly awards advanced standing to students who successfully complete IB course work.

Students who earn an IB diploma will be awarded 30 units toward the bachelor's degree and receive sophomore standing. Some of these units may be applied toward Towson's Core Curriculum requirements; each student's IB units will be individually evaluated for Core Curriculum applicability.


Salisbury University

Students who earn an IB Course Certificate will be awarded 3 – 8 semester hours of credit for each Higher Level IB exam completed with a score of 4 or above. Students who earn an IB Diploma will be awarded 3 – 8 semester hours of credit, up to 30 credits, for scores of 4 or above on both the higher level and the standard level IB exams. Students are awarded credit for courses at SU as detailed in the following table. Official IB examination results must be sent directly from IB to the SU Admissions Office.


Montgomery College

Offers credit for scores of 5-7. Standard and Higher Level Charts at this link….opens charts in excel (pasted charts here)


St. Mary’s College of Maryland

A student must earn at least a 5 or better on their Higher Level (HL) IB exam to transfer. IB exams transfer as 4 credits each.


George Washington University

Assuming there is no duplication of coursework, a maximum of 24 credits may be awarded on the basis of work completed while enrolled in high school through examinations.


Shippensburg University

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program is an internationally recognized curriculum that offers 11th and 12th grade students an opportunity to earn the IB diploma. The IB diploma is a passport to higher education. The program is offered in over 800 public and private secondary schools in more than 100 countries around the world.Shippensburg University recognizes the IB Diploma as well as IB Certificates.


George Mason University

The following list ofInternational Baccalaureate (IB) exams and corresponding Mason transfer credit is effective for new students beginning fall 2017. Official IB transcripts should be sent to the Office of Admissions from the International Baccalaureate


MYP Program