Home → Parent Resources
Resources for Students and Families - click on the words "Resources for Students and Families" to the left for a resource and support document that focuses on student welfare specific to such topics as child abuse, family violence, suicide hotline, LGBTQ support, and hate-bias resources.
Helping Victims of Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Health Crisis - Avoiding public spaces and working remotely can help to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but for victims of abuse, home is often the most dangerous place to be. Work, school, running errands and hobbies are often the only escape victims have to be away from their abuser. If you or someone you know needs help, please read and share the information in the following two attachments:
- English - Helping Victims of Domestic Violence
- Spanish - Ayudando a las Víctimas de la Violencia Doméstica
Title I Information
2018-2019 Title I Information for Weller Road Families - English & Spanish
“The Positive Effects of Parent Engagement” Parent Workshop
- Parents were provided research-based information on the positive effects of parent engagement
- Given information on how parents can get involved in their children’s education
- Informed parents of extra-curricular programs/process to apply for financial assistance

We have the best parent volunteers! Look at them hard at work:
Parent Resources
The MCPS Parent Academy
Parent Academy workshops give parents the tools and strategies they need to help their children be successful in school. All workshops are FREE and held at school and locations throughtout Montgomery County. Child care and interpretation services are provided.
Click the link below to download the Parent Academy Brochure to see the schedule of workshops and registration information.
Visit the Parent Academy website for more information: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/parentacademy/
- MCPS - Division of ESOL/Billangual Programs Page
Special Education/Gifted and Talented
- Department of Special Education
- Special Programs - Including gifted and talented programs
Free Translation Sites
Linkages to Learning
Linkages to Learning is a school-based program that provides accessible services to at-risk children and their families to improve adjustment to and performance in school, home, and the community. See the Linkages to Learning page to get more information about this program.
Maryland and MCPS Resources
- MCPS Parents- A collection of resources by and about MCPS: News, resources, and links
- Quick Notes - Offers the Newsletter is 6 different languages
- Elementary Integrated Curriculum - click to find information about the new curriculum MCPS has developed.
- Community Forums
- Maryland Parental Information Resource Center (in English and Spanish)
Kindergarten Sign-Up Information
If your child will be 5 years old by September 1, 2019 please stop by the school office and register him or her.
To prepare for registering your child, please print out the Immunization Form and have your child's doctor fill it out.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten (EEK)
If your child will not be 5 by September 1, 2019, but his or her birthday falls between September 2-October 15 contact the Division of Early Childhood Programs and Services at 301-230-0691 for screening.
School at a Glance and Testing
- Testing Coming Soon
- School at a Glance
Homework Help
- Homework Hotline
- Homework Resources Coming Soon
- Scholastic - Homework Hub