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Student Service Learning (SSL)

MCPS believes service learning helps students recognize the needs in the community as well as being connected to curriculum goals.  Quality service develops knowledge, skills and opportunities to become an integral part of the community.  Quality learning experiences help to make students aware of the many needs of our vastly diverse world.  All students in MCPS must complete 75 hours for graduation. 

Westland MS SSL Coordinator 2023-2024: Margie Prokos  

How to Start Your SSL?

General Information

Volunteering Opportunities:

Montgomery County Volunteer CenterThis is a database of volunteering opportunities in Montgomery County

SSL Website

Any organization not listed on the MCPS website MUST be preapproved BEFORE the student participates in the service. 

***Hours from an organization that has not been preapproved may not be granted.*** 

Student Service Learning Guide


 Montgomery County Volunteer Center (MCVC)Graduation cap icon 

Are you looking for a good resource for SSL opportunities?  Montgomery Serves is an organization that has created a data base of volunteer opportunities in Montgomery County. While you are at their website look for the graduation cap icon next to all organizations and opportunities in the database that are MCPS SSL Approved.  


Student Service Learning Activity Verification

Individual Student Service Learning (SSL) Request

All forms turned in for SSL credit must be originals; copies and faxes cannot be accepted. Completed forms may be turned into the main office.

Superintendent's Award

The Superintendent’s Student Service Learning Award is given to students who have documented in their service-learning record 75 hours of service by the first Friday in April of a middle school year.

The Certificate of Meritorious Service

The Certificate of Meritorious Service is awarded to students who have service learning records documenting 260 or more hours of service by the first Friday in April of their senior year. There is no application needed for this award.