Frequently Asked Questions 

 How can a student see a Counselor? 

Students can set up an appointment to meet with their Counselor before or after school, or during STAR or lunch.  During class time, a student should obtain a pass from the teacher before coming to the Counseling Office. 

How do I enroll my child at Westland? 

 Westland Middle School is part of Montgomery County Public Schools. Students attending the school must live within the school boundaries. If you are not sure whether you live in the Westland area check the information in the How to Enroll Your Child in School web page and use the MCPS School Assignment Locator page.

Students register to attend Westland Middle School by contacting Mrs. Alva Montano Rivas, the Westland Registrar, at 240-740-5860. The MCPS How to Enroll Your Child in School web page and Quick Guide to Enrollment contains information on the documentation that must be presented for registration. Enrollment for students coming from international locations start here.

See the Enrollment Information tab for additional information.

My child is applying to a private school.  How do I obtain a transcript? 

Each year a number of our students submit applications to private schools. To simplify the application process for students, parents, and staff, the following guidelines should be followed. 

  1. Transcripts are prepared and sent from the counseling office. For each transcript request, parents must submit a letter or release form with their signature. Transcripts are sent directly to the private schools.  
  2. The first 3 transcripts are sent without charge. For each additional transcript, there is a $2.00 charge (School Cash Online).  
  3. Students should give teacher recommendation forms directly to the appropriate teachers with a stamped envelope addressed to the private school. The top of each form must be completed by the parent or the student before it is submitted (e.g., name of student, address, teacher).  Allow at least two weeks for teachers to complete recommendations. Teacher recommendations are mailed directly to the private schools and are not made available for review by the student or by the parent.   
  4. We must limit recommendation requests to a maximum of 4 per student, given time commitments of teachers. 
  5. If the private school is located outside the United States, please contact the Counseling Office for additional information.