Departments → Language and Literature

Language and Literature Department 

English Overview 

The goal of the English Language Arts program is to create literate, thoughtful communicators in an increasing complex and information-rich world. Students refine their skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing. Through the exploration of a variety of texts, students will understand and appreciate language and literature as catalysts for deep thought and emotion. 

Staff Members 

Content Specialist: Sarah Chan
Reading Specialist: Elizabeth Lando
Literacy Focus Teacher: Hana Vicente

English 6 Teachers
Katherine Kachnowski
Anike Robinson
Tara Seek
Hana Vicente
English 7 Teachers
Sarah Chan
Shanyn Hollander
Juliana Kinkead
Hana Vicente
English 8 Teachers
Sarah Chan
Bryan Martinez
Amy Shellabarger
Kim Smethy
Reading 6-8 Teachers 
Juliana Kinkead
Elizabeth Lando
Adrienne O’Toole
Kristin Striegel

Note - Staff e-mail addresses are available in the Staff Directory