Child Development
Tel. 240-740-6849
Child Development - Amanda Ashinsky, Teacher
The Walter Johnson Pre-school and Child Development Program provides an interactive learning environment for high-schoolers and pre-schoolers.
Open enrollment for the next fall begins in January. The cost is $300 per semester for 4 class periods, 7:50 am -11:00 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Children must be 4 years old by September 1 and toilet trained. For questions and an application email Amanda Ashinsky.
Learner Outcomes-Career Child Development Internship
Upon completion of the child development intern program, the students should be able to:
- Identify career opportunites through practical experience;
- Relate the learning experience of this course to future career and family responsibilities;
- Plan developmentally appropriate activities for individuals and groups;
- Implement planned activities with teacher supervision;
- Demonstrate understanding of development levels of children by individualizing instructions;
- Apply objective, unbiased techniques in observing and recording behavior;
- Adapt instructions for children with special needs and for diverse populations;
- Realize the importance of regular attendance to academic and professional growth, and to the continuity of learning for the children;
- Recognize the importance of human relations skills and continuing self-evaluation to personal growth and development; and
- Apply career skills in the workplace.