Linguistic Excellence and Discovery! (LEAD!)
A Walter Johnson HS Scholars Program

Ms. Maria Grazia Cavallini
Program Coordinator
Email: Maria Grazia Cavallini

LEAD! is Walter Johnson's World Languages Scholars program. To find out more about LEAD!, scroll down or use the links below to navigate through the pages.

About LEAD!: LEAD! Home | Philosophy and Setting | The Course of Study |
Sample Schedules | Admission Process | Recognition and Benefits | LEAD! Info Sheet

LEAD! Philosophy & Setting

The LEAD! program is for students who wish to commit to a broad range of courses in World Languages. Students take advantage of Walter Johnson's extensive offerings in World Languages, both in the number of languages represented as well as in the many levels available, and of allied arts and social studies offerings to grow and develop as international communicators.

The rigorous program requirements, including work in at least two world languages, one through the Advanced Placement® level, will focus students on the centrality of communication with peoples of diverse cultures. Working in several languages, students will hone their analytical skills while exploring the wealth of communicative possibilities, both spoken and written.


Admission Process

Requests to participate in the LEAD! program may be initiated by a student or a parent. Teachers should encourage students to participate whom they feel meet the requirements and would benefit from the program. LEAD! participation begins when a student receives feedback from the program coordinator after submitting the completed online Intent to Participate form

If you have decided to be a LEAD! Scholar click here to complete the LEAD! Intent to Participate form
