Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I find out my child's bus schedule?
- How does my child know which bus to ride home in the afternoon?
- What if I am late and not there when the bus returns my child from school?
- What is served for lunch daily?
- How much does lunch cost?
- How do I pay for my child's lunch and how does the system work?
- Can I get into school after hours if my child forgets something they need for their homework?
- Where can I get a copy of the curriculum for my child's grade?
- Resources
How do I find out my child's bus schedule?
Bus schedules are posted on the web page. The stops are determined by the MCPS bus depot. Times for pick up and drop off are approximate. Please be flexible. The posted schedules include the bus route number and the Wood Acres bus tag color or animal.
How does my child know which bus to ride home in the afternoon?
At Open House, parents will visit the gymnasium where you will get a tyvex band for your child's backpack. This band will represent the bus route for your child's afternoon dismissal. Students are organized into their bus groups at the end of the day and use the tyvex bands to identify bus for ride home. Please discuss with your child so that they are familiar with their stop and the friends that get off with them.
What if I am late and not there when the bus returns my child from school?
If a parent/caregiver is not present at the bus stop, the child will be brought back to the school office. However, parents should develop a plan B with the neighbors and put a card in their child's backpack with the information so that adults are aware of the plan at the location.
What is served for lunch daily?
Generally, two entree choices are available, along with assorted fruit, vegetables, and drinks. . Monthly menus are posted on the internet at
How much does lunch cost?
A hot cafeteria lunch is available for all Wood Acres students in grades K-5. The price is $2.55 for lunch.
How do I pay for my child's lunch and how does the system work?
My School Bucks will allow for you to prepay to your child's lunch account.
Can I get into school after hours if my child forgets something they need for their homework?
If the child forgets to bring books/papers needed for homework, parents are encouraged to contact other children in the class to obtain the necessary information to complete the homework on time. Regular school office hours are 8:30am-4pm.
Where can I get a copy of the curriculum for my child's grade?
You can find details about the curriculum on the MCPS website. From there, you can access the most up to date inofrmation about all of the subject areas taught in elementary schools. Specific questions about your child's class should be directed to the teacher.
Other sources of information include:
- The Wood Acres Parent/Student Handbook (available from the school office
- Wood Acres School Directory, published by the PTA each fall
- Wood Acres website,
- Periodic memos from our principal and the PTA