Woodlin's population kept on growing. In the 60s, Woodlin's big project was building the present all-purpose room, stage, and kitchen, plus a health room. They also turned the small all-purpose room in the center building (now the media center) into a kindergarten classroom. Classes were large- at least 30 kids in each classroom.
The 1960s marked the beginning of "specialists" to supplement classroom teachers; in 1964, an instrumental music teacher and reading specialist; in 1968, a health and physical education teacher; in 1969, a regular librarian-every other week. Before then, parent volunteers had staffed the library, which the PTA stocked with books paid for from the proceeds of book sales.
An event remembered with laughter by many was the Spring 1960 variety show, Skeletons in Our Closet, sponsored by the PTA as a fundraiser. The most wonderful people did the amazing and unlikely things, recall parents and teachers. A student council show in 1966 raised money to sponsor an orphan in India who was adopted by the school.
In the Fall of 1960, the year John F. Kennedy was elected President, Woodlin had a mock election, complete with an Electoral College and a voting booth, built by a student, with a light that went on when a vote was cast. In 1963, former staff remembers the sadness that pervaded the school when President Kennedy was assassinated.
Other interesting events include:
- Talent in the student council sponsored talent show included instrumental groups skits, ballet and "go-go girls."
- The arrival of "New Math."
- The departure of basal readers (one of several times throughout Woodlin's history). This was a cyclical event much like raising and lowering of walls for closed or open classrooms.